Sydney TWIG (TiddlyWiki Interest Group) - Starting this Wednesday

To be more exact a, zoom session on Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 6:30 PM to Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 8:30 PM AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time) +11 UTC

If our meetups are at a time you can make, anyone is welcome to attend even outside Australia.

  • I welcome those in these forums will little or a lot of TiddlyWiki experience to join us.

The meeting this Wednesday is the First for 2024 please select attend in if you would like to join us.

This monthly (fourth Wednesday) is open to all but will initially provide those who know little, nothing about TiddlyWiki to come and learn about "what on earth is it?" and why should I know about it.

TiddlyWiki is an Open source and free platform you can do a lot with just “out of the box”, It runs inside a browser (and elsewhere) and uses common internet technology and standards. “a non-linear personal web notebook” capable of storing and interlinking any information you want and can be kept private or published to the world.

Common first uses include a personal knowledge database or organiser.
However, the sky is the limit because you can craft your own apps, websites and software to achieve anything even without coding.

However I plan to hold an Enthusiasts meetup on the second Wednesday of the month at the same time. Here is the first planned;

Please select attend in the below if you would like to join us.

Tonight’s subject presented by TW-Tones

With the release of the versions of tiddlywiki starting with V5.3.0 We have the introduction of a few features which I believe we are yet to realise the potential of which can be summarised as follows;

  • Enabling possibilities we did not have until now
  • Making our code and solutions easier to understand and more like plain language.

Features I will cover in this presentation, interruptions permitted, of less than an hour, will include the benefits and examples of the following;

  • Enthusiasts session
  • Functions - turn you filters into plan language
  • Custom widgets, build you own or add features to existing widgets
  • Using the new back tick attributes and why?
  • Understanding the deprecations of macros and how to deal with substitution as a result.
  • We can then have a Q&A up to the 1:30 mark about the content presented
  • New commers Q&A
  • Then the last half an hour is for the new commers to tiddlywiki to ask questions about TiddlyWiki in General.

In the long run I hope we can share experiences with running a TWIG so you can start one yourself to build local or special interest events world wide.


Wow. I’d love to but if I’m calculating correctly, 17hrs time diff makes it pretty much impossible.

Yes, The we small hours for you. Depending on those who attend, we may do an “out reach” to those elsewhere with some specially advertised meetings at other times, for now this is an afterwork, weekday evening, opportunity for locals or appropriate time zones.

  • We may even look at recording the sessions.
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Tonight’s session is for newbies, and will Start in 7 hours from this reply if that helps you in your time zone.

  • But of course, having an active community member join would be great.
  • I am open to constructive criticism (ideally offline) of the way I present tiddlywiki to new users.
  • I may record the session if appropriate
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I for one would love to hear how it went, and possibly look at a recording if you’ve made one.

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I did not given much notice so only had one newbie.

It went well with a general introduction but as he was in development we managed to answer all this questions and go quite deep.

I got to test my presentation notes.

I may see him at the next meeting.

Now to build membership.

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Good luck, Tones. Noble effort.


I may start another topic with an International meetup, and meetup time for a broader audience. If interested let me know, plus your timezone, and best hour range and any topics you would like to discuss.

  • My local Sydney TWIG can only benefit from the opportunity sometimes to talk with the broader community.

I could see a meeting dedicated to raising discoveries in the current release that offer substantial future possibilities without needing core changes. For example I find functions a way to capture critical logic and conditions in plain language to simplify developing complex wikis.

If I am going to organise this, I will publish some hour ranges in UTC I can manage and you can find hours you can manage.

  • The truth is being an Australian we are often in a timezone that helps “follow the sun” for major populations areas elsewhere.

Can’t you do the decent thing and move to Perth? That would shave a few hours off :laughing:

I’m 17 hours behind you. Awkward to say the least.