Stroll doesn't allow tab and shift-tab to navigate to Text field

Hello and thanks in advance! I decided to post this here because I couldn’t find a github or contact page for Stroll. Tagging @DaveGifford.

In default TiddlyWiki 5.2.2, when you edit a tiddler, you can navigate between these boxes with tab and shift-tab:

  • Title
  • Tags
  • Text
  • Type
  • Field name
  • Field value

In Stroll, using and tab and shift-tab to navigate skips over the Text box. This makes it harder to use with the keyboard, since I have to click on the Text box to add content.

Is this intentional, or a bug?

Welcome to the TiddlyWiki forum!

Stroll uses the editor-autolist plugin, which uses tab to indent lines in ordered and unordered lists. This plugin is not necessary in order to use Stroll, so if you don’t need it you can delete it or disable it. I hope you enjoy Stroll!

There is no GitHub for Stroll, sorry. I don’t have a problem if you want to start one of your own. I am not terribly possessive of Stroll. I just wanted to see how close to early-2020 Roam Research I could get with TiddlyWiki and thought others might like to use it for free.

Thanks for the response, Dave!

I tried disabling editor-autolist, but was still getting the same behavior. I experimented with adding plugins one by one to a new empty.html file, but could only reproduce that behavior when dragging the ‘blinks’ from here, as opposed to adding the individual plugins.

No worries on the no Github thing, I just wasn’t sure where to direct my inquiry :slight_smile:

I’m not a developer myself, so I couldn’t see myself maintaining a Github for stroll! Is this forum still the best way to reach you for feedback?

Thanks for the feedback. I wasn’t quite sure how to interpret - did you get the problem resolved to your satisfaction?

And yes, this is the best place to give feeback, tagging me as you did. Especially since in this forum there are many much more knowledgeable people who can give solutions. I am not a programmer, but a minister, who knows just enough about TiddlyWiki to get himself into trouble.

Thanks for the feedback. I wasn’t quite sure how to interpret - did you get the problem resolved to your satisfaction?

Unfortunately, not yet! I really like Stroll as a base for my TiddlyWikis, but I still can’t figure out how to keep the blinks while still being able to navigate to the text field with tab and shift-tab.

I have no idea what you mean by blinks. Something about TiddlyBlink, the first version before Stroll? Or is something blinking?

I have no idea what you mean by blinks. Something about TiddlyBlink, the first version before Stroll? Or is something blinking?

Hi Dave, sorry for being unclear. Let me try to summarize:

  • I went to the “Add Stroll to your TW” tiddler - Stroll — A Roam-like experience in a free, downloadable file

  • I dragged the $:/giffmex/blinks tag pill to my TW to import those features. The tab and shift-tab problems are present when importing those features, and when using a fresh copy of Stroll.

  • I would like to keep those features, but still be able to tab and shift-tab to the main text field.

  • I still wasn’t able to tab and shift-tab to the main text field after disabling the editor-autolist like you suggested.

  • This implies there’s something else in the $:/giffmex/blinks tag pill that’s removing the ability to tab and shift-tab to the main text field

I am guessing here, but I think it is due to the $:/.giffmex/ui/EditTemplate. I also saw that the older Edit-comtext is in use, where $:/config/EditorTypeMappings/text/vnd.tiddlywiki has to be set. I tried the later version, can be had here: Edit-CompText Demo — a demo of the Edit-CompText plugin for TiddlyWiki5, and no need to set the type. Difference, tab goes from title, tag to text - but not to type and field. The older version goes directly from tag to type and field. Confused now? I know I am.

Wow it took me 9 months to spot this, and only because @Kanodan liked one of the posts in this thread. My apologies, we were super busy last May, and traveled in June, and this got overlooked. I am very sorry.

The tiddlyblink tabs were a legacy tag from a previous version before Stroll, that I should have deleted. Don’t use those as a guide to downloading, because those tiddlers don’t line up with Stroll exactly, and you will be missing key components.

If you are still around, please tell me what features you want from Stroll and what you don’t want, and I will be happy to help you.

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