With regard to Ideas for a Streams Rewrite, I’ve developed a small demo I’m calling States.
At this point, its major highlight is that it combines streams-outliner by @linonetwo, adding a sections editor similar to @Mohammad’s sections plugin,
and Streams-fusion by @fastfreddy, adding to the latter the ability to unfuse nodes:
As you can see, this allows the user to edit content in both the stream-list and in a text editor:
Which solves some of the biggest desires @JanJo and I had been discussing for a new Streams update by @saqimtiaz.
There are definitely still things to work out – I have gone to great lengths to try and ensure that node titles are actually preserved if one unfuses after editing, for example: that needs more extensive testing, but I’m sure there’s room for improvement.
Additionally, it handles switching positions quite well at this point – however, it’s my sense that if someone had multiple very similar or exact text nodes in the same list, that it would likely cause problems. Conceptually, I would need to wrap my head around how to overcome that challenge, if it were something many people wanted (and I became convinced alternative workaround like having multiple streams didn’t address people’s usecases appropriately.
I’m rapidly approaching the point that I could release a fairly workable demo (thanks to @etardiff for helping me with the final snag I was having, however, since I built it as a proof of concept, it depends entirely on replacing some of the files in @lineonetwo’s outliner and @fastfreddy’s fusion, in addition to a few completely original files.
As such, I suppose I will need to pause development long enough to refactor.
That said, I think there probably is enough to build a demo site for people to give it a spin, if there’s enough interest and it suits all parties involved At the very least, I wanted to open things up for comment.