Streams fighting with autolist for use of the enter key

hi all,
ive been trying to work the streams plugin into my workflow as it is very convenient for making and reordering lists quickly. however i am having trouble getting it to play nice with the autolist plugin, as it seems to take over use of the enter and tab keys (even when the streams editor is set to default).

is there a way to make autolist not apply in streams, so i can continue using it to continue bulleted lists in standard tiddler text fields?

some possible solutions could be to have autolist ignore any tiddler with a parent field, or the certain type of edit-text used by streams, but i am not sure what edits would be needed to either/both plugins to make that work. i would like to preserve the streams hotkeys (enter and tab / shift-tab) if possible. currently, i have a conveniently placed toggle to enable/disable autolist, but as it is a JS plugin i have to restart my wiki every time i use it so that is not ideal.


would probably use the stream-type field instead of the parent, because it’s potentially more stream-specific :wink: will reflect some on your question and post thoughts if nobody else offers. I don’t know much about autolist, but one potential would be remapping the keys for either and avoid setting up conditional factors at all.

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I use these two plugins routinely. I have re-configured the Streams streams-save-and-continue keyboard shortcut to shift+enter and that works well for me.
It is better in my workflow anyways, because I wish to enter more than a single “bullet” in my Streams nodes.

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