Streaming video from Smartphone to a TW for a classroomscreen

I tried wikify and, and, and…but somehow the image is always broken or does not have the information…
Please help if you need the entire code: it is below.

\define pushvideoURL(){{$:/temp/classroom/vdo}}
\define pushvideoQR() <$macrocall $name="makeqr" text=<< pushvideoURL>>/>

<img src=<<pushvideoQR>> size=300/>

This is the entire tiddler - the aim is to create an Iframe that allows lifestreaming a stream of a smartphone that connected via a qr-generated video-ninja-url.

\define videoURL(){{$:/temp/classroom/vdo}}
\define pushvideoURL(){{$:/temp/classroom/vdo}}
\define pushvideoQR() <$macrocall $name="makeqr" text=<< pushvideoURL>>/>
\define setVideoframe()
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink">
		text={{{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [[9]] J +[shuffle[]join[]sha256[10]] }}}/>generateRandom
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/classroom/vdo" tag="input"/>

<$list filter="[{$:/temp/classroom/vdo}minlength[8]]">
<img src=<<pushvideoQR>>/>

<$button class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink">

<$list filter="[[$:/temp/classroom/vdo]show[yes]]" emptyMessage=<<setVideoframe>>>

<$wikify name="vurl" text=<<videoURL>> >
<iframe src=<<vurl>> height="500" width="100%"></iframe>

<$button class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink">
		show=""/>show qr and change URL

Try this:

\procedure qrtext()
<$macrocall $name="makeqr" text=`${[{$:/temp/classroom/vdo}]}$`/>

<$wikify name="qr" text=<<qrtext>>>
<img src=<<qr>>/>
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Aahh ! Thank you.
Here is the result for people who also think this is usefull.
$ _plugins_JJ_classroom_widgets_streamcamera.json (1.3 KB)

Thank you, @saqimtiaz this will be part of my classroomsuite for which i could really need your fantastic float plugin. Would you have the time to do little enhancements on this. So far there is no alternative. It would be great to be able to set the sizes of the floats when opening them.

@JanJo Floats has been completely rewritten since the last publicly shared version. It needs a bit more work before it will be shareable. Currently any free time I have is going into the documentation submission mechanism, but I can try to get that published next.


This is really great news!
For my us case it would be great if it was possible to have a version where just the content of the tiddler is displayed( for example the image or the Iframe) Perhaps with controls appearing on hover.
Could it be possible to apply styles that allow something like that?

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Could you briefly describe your use case and what your desired goal looks like?

Hi @saqimtiaz,
I have widgets like a calculator, iframes and pictures I would like to drag over the screen. So it would be great to just have the object itself and a control panel that appears on hovering the border.
Thank you for considering this.

The design you did of the edit-bar you did in the Typewriter-Editor is an excellent example how controls could look like.

It has been a while since I looked at the code for Float but I believe it now uses a template parameter so you can create and use your own template for the frame around the content.

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