Hi everyone,
Back in October 2021 I asked here for guidance regarding CSS for static htmls. No one ever answered.
I am running into the same problem I have had for years: most details elements work fine when exporting to static htmls. But some don’t.
Here is an example of a static with problems: static
The second details element in the top tiddler shows the word ‘details’ instead of the text in the summary. Open the slider, and ‘Juan’, the text in the summary, is off to the left with a bullet in front of it. And the word ‘details’ is still there.
The same happens in the last details element of the second section, “Los temas y la teología en Juan”.
I have uploaded the TiddlyWiki file they were exported from, tw file.
Since both of the offending details sliders are using my viewme macro, here is the link to the macro. Actually two are tagged $:/tags/Macro. But I had the same problem when I only had one tagged $:/tags/Macro, so it is not a matter of them conflicting.
If anyone can help me with this, I would appreciate it. I realize this is not a CSS forum, but this is specifically related to the difference between the look and functioning of static HTMLs generated by TW and the regular TW files they are generated from.
I solved quite a number of CSS issues today on my own. But this is the last problem, and it is befuddling me. I am wanting for this to eventually be a file of hundreds of pages worth of free content, but I want to get this perennial problem solved before I commit to it.
Thanks in advance for any wisdom!