Sort list by count of values entered in specified field


I have some (video) tiddlers each of which has a “shared-with” field populated with the names of people I showed the video to. I would like to sort the tiddlers in a list by which has the most values entered in the “shared-with” field, i.e. which got shared with the most people (and therefore is most likely to be something I will want to share again in the future).

Would also like to append the count of the number of values in the shared-with field to the title in the list.

I searched the forum a long time. I tried to cobble something together with code I didn’t understand but it was so wrong I daren’t share it.

Thank you for any help.

Give this a try:

<$list filter="[has[shared-with]] :sort[enlist{!!shared-with}count[]] +[reverse[]]">
   <$link/> (<$text text={{{ [enlist{!!shared-with}count[]] }}}/>)<br/>


  • [has[shared-with]] gives a list of tiddler titles that each have a non-blank shared-with field
  • :sort[enlist{!!shared-with}count[]] sorts the list of tiddler titles in ascending order by the number of items contained in each shared-with field
  • +[reverse[]] reverses the order of the titles so they will be output in descending order
  • within the $list widget, for each tiddler found:
    • <$link/> shows a link to the tiddler
    • (<$text text={{{ [enlist{!!shared-with}count[]] }}}/>) shows the number of items in the shared-with field for that tiddler
    • <br/> makes each tiddler appear on a separate line of output


Yes! Thank you so much!

May I ask what code to add to not show those with a count under 2?

Change the filter like this:

<$list filter="[has[shared-with]] :filter[enlist{!!shared-with}count[]compare:integer:gteq[2]] :sort[enlist{!!shared-with}count[]] +[reverse[]]">
   <$link/> (<$text text={{{ [enlist{!!shared-with}count[]] }}}/>)<br/>
  • :filter[enlist{!!shared-with}count[]compare:integer:gteq[2]] retains only tiddler titles for which the shared-with count is “greater than or equal to” (gteq) 2.
