I have a problem with the following code. Within the list-Widget the function getRPZ returns the correct value. But using this exact same function as an argument in the sort Filter Prefix doesn´t do anything. It somehow has to do something with the <<currentTiddler>>
variable being differently interpreted in the two ways. I just don´t have a solution for giving the <<currentTiddler>>
as a variable to the function.
Here is the code:
\function .up() [all[]] [.up1[]]
\function .up1() [all[]] :map:flat[listed[]tag[Fehlfunktion].up[]]
\function getLatestVMaßnahme(tiddler)
[list<tiddler>tag[Maßnahmenstand]!tag[In Umsetzung]sort[created]last[]] :map[list[]tag[Vermeidungsmaßnahme]]
\function getABewertung()
\function getLatestEMaßnahme()
[list[]tag[Maßnahmenstand]!tag[In Umsetzung]sort[created]last[]] :map[list[]tag[Entdeckungsmaßnahme]]
\function getEBewertung()
\function getBs()
[all[current].up[]] :filter[has[B-Bewertung]]
\function getHighestBBewertung()
\function getRPZ()
<$list filter="""[tag[Fehlfunktion]] :filter[list[]tag[Maßnahmenstand]count[]compare:number:gt[0]] :sort:number[<getRPZ>]""">
<$link /> - <<getRPZ>>