[Solved] $transclude Legacy/Modern weirdness


    <$transclude tiddler=some-tiddler .../>

is wikified. Yet…

    <$transclude $tiddler=some-tiddler .../>

is not wikified.


Thoughts? Bug?

Actual code:

    <div class="announcement-body">
      <$transclude $tiddler=<<announcement-tiddler>> mode=block />

For me both of your example code 1 and 2 work fine at tiddlywiki.com

What’s the value of <<announcement-tiddler>>? Check if it is blank?


That variable contains the title of a tiddler. Add the $ (modern) I get no wikification. Remove it (legacy), the output is wikified.

tw .com

It’s broken.

Ah, got it: mode ==> $mode

Can’t mix legacy/modern :roll_eyes: