[SOLVED] Error on footnote numbering using Refnotes 1.8.3 (due to conflict with KaTex plugin)

My current thinking is that plugins need to be relatively stable to be available via SQPL. More experimental plugins will be available only via the sandbox site linked above, so that there is adequate opportunity to warn people about their experimental nature before installation.

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I’m having a slightly different issue and am wondering if the fix provided in this note will work in my installation as well. Running latest tiddlywiki and latest Refnotes.

In my case there is no problem with the footnote numbering in the tiddler when it is displayed in the main tiddlywiki window. However, if I do an “open in new window”, the footnote references in the new window all become “1”. The footnote list is numbered correctly, and the "1"s in the text display the correct footnotes when clicked.

Thank you.

Would you check this in the latest demo page of Refnotes?

My experiment shows there is no issue!

When I follow your directions to open the demo, the correct numbers appear when I open the tiddler in a new window.

Not sure what the difference is. Does the demo have the fix you provided above?

The file linked to below contains a single file wiki that demonstrates the problem I see on my system, as well as a screen shot showing the “test footnotes” tiddler opened in a new window.

I have the same issue with a node.js version of the file. If you’re interested, you can grab a copy here: GitHub - xpucadad/FootnoteProblem: Demonstrate issue with fn numbres.

Please let me know if there’s anything else you’d like.



I confirm the issue! Let me have a look this week end and return to you!

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Check Refnotes 1.8.7

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Thank you Mohammad.

I have verified that refnotes 1.8.7 fixes the problem when opening a tiddler in a new window.

I tried on my simple wiki, in both the single file version and the node.js version. I have also updated one of my “real” node.js based tiddly wikis (the one where I first noticed the problem) and verified that the problem has been addressed there.

Thank you for the quick responses and fix!


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