Site-Scripting TW from an outliner :: Jupiter :: Orgmode :: Leo :: et alia


I am wondering if anyone has pointers to scripting TW5 from an outliner tool or process, external or internal, technique or plugin ?

For example, take a simple text file with tabs, indents, line space (markdown-like),
or use Emacs orgmode etc.

Write the simplest heading, names, with perhaps additional params or qualifiers.

Then use this text file to launch a full tiddly wiki with everything new, in order, ready to populate.
Simple seed minimal outline template to sketch the structure from scratch ?

I’m thinking of fast way draft a slide show or tutorial magazine sequence book chapters



Thanks in advance

Literate Editors >>

I can imagine perhaps a dozen ways to create new tiddlywiki’s from a template or by adding content with or without a node install. I say this because your question is, in a way, just one of a subset of methods you may use with or without a node install to build or generate TiddlyWiki’s (or part there of).

  • Perhaps someone has done what you ask, but I am sure many people have done 95% of it before.


I just discovered “The Book of Tiddlywiki”
:open_book: Yay !!

Just what I’ve been looking for

How did I miss this already?
Why is it 'not right at the Top of TW5 homepage

Hope it gets love and updating

Search more on and you will find a lot more. See the Community, Look for “Grok TiddlyWiki”, go to and although it’s not so pretty there is a lot of resources pointed to, from there.

I think the The Book of Tiddlywiki is more core/developer oriented but may help. Try the interactive TiddlyTools for TW5 v5.3.0 — Small Tools for Big Ideas!™

Also Google a word along with tiddlywiki as well, and the results can be quite specific since we have a unique name. Google Groups will often come up a lot, that was before this forum.

Thanks so much

Grok Tiddlywiki terrific

I had not realized till this evening how much good work has been done in TW in past 5 years!
I am humbled

TiddlyWiki toolmap
at is excellent also
(Via groktw)

“Embarassment of Riches” I think this is called…

At least 2 years of sustained happy study & serious TW work funnahead for me I see.