Simplest way to port tiddlers to a new TiddlyWiki


I’m a new user of the TiddlyWiki, and through some researching and reading some comments on the forum, I learned that using a prebuilt tiddlywiki like tzk is a recommended path for utilizing the Tiddlywiki.

I already have made some progress in customizing my tiddlywiki and was wondering if there is a quick, simple, and safe way to port my already written tiddlers to a new system?


Simply drag and drop your tiddlywiki html file in the new tiddlywiki.

If the custom edition use an older version of tiddlywiki, make sure you are not using unsupported widgets.

You can be more selective by exporting your tiddlers with the advanced search, you could write


for example to only get non system tiddlers, then export in json. To import the tiddlers in the new wiki, drag and drop the json.