Show Tiddler edit button at the right-bottom of a tiddler

I normally write very long tiddlers which cross multiple pages in my 27 inch screen with portrait orientation.

It takes a couple seconds to scroll from bottom to top of a tiddler.

Could I add a Tiddler Edit button at the right-bottom corners of each tiddler? It even is better if the button only shows when the top of tiddler is out of screen.

Alternatively, is there a shortcut to edit the current tiddler or latest open/saved tiddler?

You can give this a shot…

secondEditButton.tid (1.0 KB)

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See Control Panel > Shortcuts for existing shortcuts.

However it is not always clear which is the current tiddler.

Here is some background info and I belive close to what you ask;

  • I added edit and close at the bottom in view template
  • And have the edit toolbar appear at the bottom.

Finished copy for you convienece

bottom-buttons.json (1.4 KB)

$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/controls is what displays the buttons in edit mode,

  • clone this to a new tiddler
  • For good measure add the list-after field (but leave empty) tom make sure it appears at the bottom
  • and you will find the editor toolbar appears on the bottom of every tiddler in both view and edit mode.
  • Now wrap the code there in with a list widget to conditionally display only in edit mode as folows
\define config-title()
<$list filter="[all[current]is[draft]]" variable=~>
<div class="tc-tiddler-title tc-tiddler-edit-title">
<$view field="title"/>
<span class="tc-tiddler-controls tc-titlebar"><$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/EditToolbar]!has[draft.of]]" variable="listItem"><$reveal type="nomatch" state=<<config-title>> text="hide"><$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>>/></$reveal></$list></span>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>

Now to enable edit or close in the view template create a tiddler tagged $:/tags/ViewTemplate
with a empty list-after field and text containing;

<$list filter="[all[current]]" variable=~>
<span class="tc-tiddler-controls tc-titlebar" style="margin: -.5em;">
{{||$:/core/ui/Buttons/edit}} {{||$:/core/ui/Buttons/close}}

The buttons appear incorrectly on the above tiddler and another but otherwise are fine.

Once you determine a condition to determine when to show the button, such as on long tiddlers you can update the condition in the outer $list widget on both tiddlers we modified.

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@Brian_Radspinner and @TW_Tones Very appreciate it for your quick response. It is working as I expect.

A screenshot according suggestions from @TW_Tones

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