Show favicon in TiddlyDesktop window

How to configure TiddlyDesktop to show the favicon in the Window Title?


(It works for the browser…)

Thanks, Stefan

As far as I know this is not possible now. There is this GitHub issue about it: Use wiki favicon as window icon · Issue #29 · TiddlyWiki/TiddlyDesktop · GitHub

ok - didn’t know that… from Jul 19, 2014.
Maybe it will be realized almost 10 years later :slight_smile:

Thanks for feedback, @vilc

@StS A possible solution, as you see!

Change, tiddler, e.g. $:/core/modules/startup/favicon.js,
exports.after = ["startup"]; to exports.after = ["startup", "load-modules"];
Above step will be necessory if your tiddlywiki file is password protected and ask for password at starttup, (encrypted)

Import favicon e.g.

In TiddlyDesktop re-import your tiddlywiki file!

Maybe restart of TiddlyDesktop be needed!

Thanks @ctoabidmaqbool1 – just to double check, are you saying that that change makes favicons work within TiddlyDesktop? I can’t look at this properly at the moment but that sounds encouraging.

Hi @ctoabidmaqbool1,

it is not working in my wiki (TiddlyDesktop version 0.0.18)

Yeah! Still Tiddlydesktop show icon in the list of TiddlyWiki’s but still at windows, icon is not shown, I am facing this issue too!