Shiraz Static Tables - Details macro with table using list-links

Hi all,

I have a question about the details macro in the shiraz dynamic tables. I’m trying to put a table as display on demand and my code is:

<<details label:"Table 2" src:"
| Order | Name | Birth Year | Tenure | Post |h
| 1 | <<list-links "[title[John Inhofe]]" type:"div" subtype:"span">> | 1934 | 1994 | OK |" status:"open">>

The code would not give me the table, Its display stops at “| 1 | <<list-links” and I don’t know what went wrong. Could anyone help me look at how to fix this? I’m using list-links for a particular reason and do not wish to change that part.

Big thanks to @Mohammad for the plugin, really benefited a lot!

You have nested double quotes within the src parameter value.

To work around this, enclose the src parameter value within tripled double quotes, like this:

<<details label:"Table 2" src:"""
| Order | Name | Birth Year | Tenure | Post |h
| 1 | <<list-links "[title[John Inhofe]]" type:"div" subtype:"span">> | 1934 | 1994 | OK |""" status:"open">>

Thanks so much, Eric!