Shiraz plugin Quick Tables with entries that retain their clickable link property?

I’m trying to implement a few of the Shiraz plugin’s features and I’m wondering about Quick Tables.

In particular clickable links, for example tiddler titles, as entries within the @@.dblock stop being clickable and therefore they’re not clickable inside the table which is created from the data block.

Is there a way to preserve the link property inside the Quick Tables?
I’m using v.2.8.3 of the plugin with Firefox in MX Linux.

Thank you! It works perfectly.
Lesson for me: Don’t be afraid of the word “Advanced” :grinning:

EDIT: See further posting below.

I unmarked it as a solution, because after further testing sadly I couldn’t get it to work they way that I wanted it.
There are two limitations: First you have to define each column format in the table which makes it somewhat restricting and second, each cell in the table can only have one item to be a link. For example, if I have two tiddler titles in a cell, they are not recognized as two separate links.

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