Shiraz dynamic table sort question


I’m using a dynamic table (shiraz plugin) and I’d like to reverse the default sorting.
I want to sort the tiddlers in reverse order of their creation and here’s what I’ve tested, but it doesn’t work :

<<table-dynamic filter:"[tag[task]!sort[created]]" fields:"title description priority status due-date nature comment"  stateTiddler:"exp01" >>

What is the right syntax to do this ?

Thank you for your help

The reason is dynamic table adds a button to each column lets you to sort the table based on column! So, adding a sort operator to filter does not make sense.
You may look at $:/state/dynamictables/exp01/sortby based on your state tiddler and see how your table is sorted once you click on a column header.
In summary this state keeps the sorting information and you can change it!

Just adding to the answer by @Mohammad — I notice that you haven’t yet include the created field in your list of fields; hence, you’ll need to do that in order to sort with that field. (If needed, you can use a column template to make the created field appear in a more compact way.)

Thank you @Mohammad for your explanation i understand my mistake ! :slight_smile:

I modified the tiddler $:/state/dynamictables/exp01/sortby as follows and it now works as I expected.

    "hasnegate": "false",
    "negate": "!",
    "sortIndex": "created"