Select Widget - Printing the user's selection

This code here prints the user’s selection wonderfully & simply.

<$select tiddler='$' field=''>
<option value='cities'>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option value='science'>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option value='dice'>The Dice Man</option>


Should one try to use a list filter for the option values suddenly tiddlywiki becomes reluctant to print the selection.

<$select tiddler='$' field=''>
<$list filter="[data[ledger]]">
<option value={{!!}}><$view field='ledger.title'/></option>


You would figure if the first snippet works why wouldn’t a listed syntax work as well!?

what am i doing wrong?


Replacing your filters and fields with constants in a simple example does work, so I guess the problem doesn’t come from the list widget.

<$select tiddler='$' field=''>
<$list filter="[[A]] [[B]] [[C]]">
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field="title"/></option>



Hey Fred I solved it! I don’t understand why it works but apparently if you place $ in front of value $value={{!!}} it carries the data over.

<$select tiddler='$' field=''>
<$list filter="[data[ledger]]">
<option $value={{!!}}><$view field='ledger.title'/></option>


thanks for brain storming with me, i appreciate you.

Creating example “ledger” tiddlers on with data, and ledger.title fields just works with your code “as is”… So I guess it doesn’t produce the outcome you expected.

What your code does is display the ledger.title field content, but store the field content in the result tiddler $!!

Changing value=... to $value=... replaces the legit value attribute with a custom and useless $value attribute, which in turn stores ledger.title in the result tiddler instead of

So I guess what you wanted is the title as a result, not the id… and you can get this by removing the $value or value attribute altogether.


So I guess it doesn’t produce the outcome you expected.

You are right and I am removing the resolved status :weary:

what you wanted is the title as a result, not the id…

No, unfortunately that wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted to show the ledger.title and use the as its value.

What your code does is display the ledger.title field content, but store the field content in the result tiddler $!! .

Which means my original syntax was correct and I am back to square one again with the non printing issue. :confused:

Is your wiki available online? Or perhaps you could export a few “ledger” tiddlers and the tiddler containing the code, and post them here?
I fear I won’t be able to help more without these…
