Select widget documentation need

Hi all

A really good addition to the documentation at would be an example of a select widget that lists tags by a certain filter (e.g., all tags tagged with ‘domain’) and clicking a tag from the list adds the tag to the current tiddler.

Alternately, the tag-picker macro could be expanded to add a filter.

I tested at eucaly’s popup tagger, but nothing was showing in regular tiddlers, even after I poked around a bit. And, I don’t need all that complexity, just a series of simple tag pickers.

My use case: a to do list. Create new task tiddler and save. In a select widget in the view template, add a domain tag (health, work, family, organized, etc) from a list. Then add a type tag from the list (This week, waiting, later, etc). Then select a month for repeating items tied to months (birthdays, meetings, etc).

Hi David,
I’m not sure if you’ve seen this from Mohammad

Add Tags from a Selected Group !

A simple method to add tags from a defined list via tag drop-down.


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Hi Scot

No, I had not seen that! I am cloning and tweaking it now. Problem solved! Thanks!

You could have looked at the actions example in the SelectWidget tiddler:

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How did I miss that…

Looks like your problems are solved, all bases covered. :grinning:

Easily since it doesn’t exist on (or the prerelease). No idea where @Mark_S got it from (perhaps I’m going blind :eyeglasses: )

Docs appear early on tiddlywiki-com branch. (scroll to bottom)

Curiouser and curiouser

I refreshed my 5.2.0 and it appeared (could have been open for weeks - at least).

It’s not here: