Seeking advice on handling internal & external links simultaneously

So one of the things I haven’t really figured out for my own modus operandi when typing away in my wiki, is how to handle a topic that I could either link to on a website, or create a tiddler for, or even both.

For example, let’s say I have a conversation with someone on here, and it’s one of many I’ve held with them, so either I can use [[their-name|]] or [[their-name|their-name (first-place-i-met-them)]] OR somehow showing both, maybe with [[their-name|their-name (first-place-i-met-them)]] ^^[[@|]]^^

But all of that seems kind of messy, and if I need to change their alias (their-name, for instance.) I am left with the task of sifting through my wiki for all instances of it, and revising them, which can be a bit tedious even with relink, if for instance I use variations of it.

So I wanted to turn to the community for that shared pool of knowledge, and ask how best to handle this oddity?

So far, I’ve considered creating a macro that I can use that would go something like <<link 'aliasOrCaptionField?' 'targetTiddlersTitle' 'targetFieldToShowAsLink'>> and if the targetField didn’t exist, it would refer to the alias, if that didn’t work, refer to the caption field, if that does’t exist, the title field, etc. but I’d like to hear what other alternatives there are from others.

Why not do this:

Creat Person tiddler. [[Person Name]]

In the journal tiddler type

Conversation with [[Person Name]] about http:/ It was a good idea.

Than you can open their tiddler 1 month later and see your conversation timeline. In the backlinks panel and quickly access the last conversation you had and everything else by date.

Another option is to have this in a separate tiddler tagging it with that person name. Then you can have a filter on his-her tiddler to pull a list of conversions. If you use sorting by created date you’ll get the list of conversions readily available and up to date forever.

There are many ways to do things in TiddlyWiki. The right way will always be defined by what you need to see when you return to the information after a month.

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I may be a bit lost on what you mean. I’m assuming a person tiddler would just be a tiddler dedicated to that person, but the journal tiddler type is what I’m a little lost on. do you mean to tag it as if it were a journal tiddler?

Good point, I should utilize the info button for tiddlers more often, those tabs have a lot of handy info in them that I have a habit of ignoring.

However, this still kinda leaves that question of handling links to both an internal page on the person, like a person tiddler, and an external page, maybe a profile on the website I first encountered them, or their own websites about-me page :thinking:

  • would suggest using @hiddengarden’s method and only putting links an other information into the text of the person tiddler OR a field.
    • I would also set a tag or field containing person, so you know its a person tiddler.
  • With fields you can then Then have a view template detect and display the additional information found in the fields, however you want.
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Sorry about the typos. To answer your question: links to local tiddlers I create with Ctrl+L or using the [[]] markup. Links to external files or internet pages are pasted in directly without using the pipe symbol. This way I can quickly identify which one’s which.

In re: Journal

I aim to write notes in my journal tiddler. I wasn’t suggesting tagging your person tiddler as a journal. I was providing an example what I would write in my journal to show you how I would set up my tiddlers and how I would create the links.

Your method of creating labels for the links is good if you’re looking to create an experience for someone else. However, if you’re doing just notes, you’d be better off without that.

Hope that makes sense.

In regards to the info panel and backlinks, there is Stroll TiddlyWiki which lists all backlinks below each tiddler. This saves a click or two every time you need context.

Think about the things and their attributes. Each thing is a Tiddler and each attribute is a field. This is the way!

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If you see something being done, it always helps to find out how it was done, and possibly do it yourself;

Put this in a tiddler tagged $:/tags/ViewTemplate and an empty list-after field

{{{ [all[current]backlinks[]] }}}

Can easily be improved further using the list widget or a template; eg use this instead;

<$list filter="[all[current]backlinks[]]" join="⦿ " counter=item>
   <$list filter="[<item>match[1]]">''Backlinks: ''</$list><$link/>