Search not working

I have node based TW5 running on Windows 10 and Mac OS High Sierra. The search box does not work, i.e., it displays no search results. But the “$:/AdvancedSearch” tiddler, when brought up, is working fine for the “Standard” tab.

Node v16.4.2
TW 5.2.3

How to debug or resolve this issue?

Perhaps we have insufficient info to diagnose this but try in Advanced Search > Filter tab the filter drop down and select “Overridden shadows tiddlers” [is[shadow]] the tiddlers listed are core tiddlers that have being overridden, except for $:/temp/advancedsearch are there any other search related tiddlers that have being changed?

  • You can open each for edit and use the preview “differences from shadow (if any)”.
  • Perhaps one of these changes is what broke your search?
  • If you have any search related plugins disable them, save and reload and see if the functionality returns, do this until you identify an offending plugin.
  • Perhaps try another browser?
  • Perhaps export it as a single file wiki and see if it still has the problem?

Tell us what you do and any results and we may have more to guide your debugging.

Here are the overridden shadow tiddlers. I see one search tiddler as well. But no diffs show up in “differences from shadow (if any)”.

No search related plugins.

Problem shows up in Chrome and MS Edge browsers.

Export all tiddlers to Static HTML does not have a search bar. Unsure what is “single file wiki”?
























Those two fields have always been exactly the same for me. This suggests there may be an error while viewing the quick search. What does the console show?

Are you willing to save as a single HTML file and hosting it somewhere (dropbox or something) for others to try and reproduce the issue?

When I type something into the search box, I see this in the Console:

syncer-browser-tiddlyweb: Retrieving skinny tiddler list
syncer-browser-tiddlyweb: Checking dirty status

I’ll try to save a small list of tiddlers to repro the issue.

I found that if I turn on Inspect on Chrome browser, the regular search box shows a list of matching tiddlers. During inspect, the Search box is positioned on top of the Story River as opposed to the Right of the River without Inspect. If I delete the Inspect view, the tiddlers list goes away. Does that help diagnosing this issue?

I have moved to TW 5.3.1 now. The issue remains.

If the Chrome debugger (“Inspect”) is “docked” (i.e., not shown as a separate window, but as a panel within the main browser window), then the display of the debugger panel reduces the space available for rendering the TiddlyWiki content.

If that space is less than a certain width (see $:/ControlPanel > Appearance > Theme Tweaks, “Sidebar breakpoint” setting, default=“960px”), then the Sidebar (“Right of the River”) content is automatically shifted to appear ABOVE the StoryRiver content. As a result, the search box (and any popup list of tiddlers it displays) will overlap with the StoryRiver. The same effect also occurs without the debugger panel if you just resize the browser window enough to reduce the width below the “Sidebar breakpoint” value.

To avoid this, you can “undock” the debugger panel so that it appears as a separate “DevTools” window, without using up any space in the main browser window. To undock the DevTools window, click on the “three dots” button in the upper right corner of the Inspect panel. This will show a drop-down menu. The first item in this menu is the “Dock side” setting which shows four icons: “undock”, “left”, “bottom”, and “right”. Select “undock”.

If the Inspect window is opened as a new window, the search problem remains. If I dock the Inspect back again, the search results are shown. For debugging by others, I simplified by deleting most of my tiddlers. Please see the link for a zip file. I verified that the search shows the same symptoms with the HTML file. You may search for “Anaconda” or “Mancunian” to test. Please let me know if you need more info. Appreciate your help.

To help debugging, I zipped up the TW directory with individual tiddlers. START.txt has steps on how I start TW. Please let me know if any further info needed. Thanks.