Saving progress

So I made several wikis for stuff like shopping lists and things to do. My challenge has been if my phone goes to standby lock screen from a few minutes of inactivity, the progress of what’s been checked off gets reset. The workaround has been to SAVE which then DOWNLOADS a new copy of the 3MB Twiki - I patched my browser to allow it to overwrite the same name everytime it downloads but this seems like a ghetto workaround.

Any better ideas for not “losing progress” on checkbox tiddlers like this?

You might be able to use the browser storage plugin (from official plugins) along with the “BrowserStorage opinionated tool” (link below). It depends on your browser and whether your phone browser uses browser storage. But it might be worth experimenting. Be sure to have a back-up before trying this.


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It realy can depend on the platform and if you implement an automatic save mechanisium. auto save even along side browser storage works well.

  • for example a tiddlyhost wiki