The option “Saves changes automatically” in the Control Panel keeps getting unchecked by itself.
Does anyone have a solution for this problem?
PS: My TW is being saved by Tiddly Host
The option “Saves changes automatically” in the Control Panel keeps getting unchecked by itself.
Does anyone have a solution for this problem?
PS: My TW is being saved by Tiddly Host
That’s probably the TH-plugin. With TiddlyHost it can cause problems, if you save a single-file-wiki every time you change a tiddler. eg: changing several tiddlers is possible in a lower time as the save-action actually finishes. This can cause problems.
Have a look at this:
It’s under the heading “Why can’t I permanently set the autosave option?”
It’s by design on TiddlyHost for internal core wikis. The link has steps to change the behavior.