Save Your TiddlyWikis Without A Saver Or Plugin

Hello Everyone.
You can have that dream TiddlyWiki in THREE SIMPLE steps:

  1. Create a tiddler named: $:/config/SaveWikiButton/Filename
  2. For the text in that tiddler write *some variation of: <<now "YYYY0MM-0DD0hh-mm">> My TiddyWiki
    *Adjust to suit your needs.
  3. Save Your TiddlyWikis And Reopen The New Ones
    [CTRL+S] To Save
    [CTRL+J] To Open The Recently Downloaded List

The snippet didn’t seem to appear between the <>.

<<now YYYY0MM-0DD0hh0mm>> My TiddlyWiki 

Hope that helps you!

Very nice. I didn’t realize that you could do this. (Although I should have!)

And something else new to me. Very useful.

Thank you for sharing, and welcome to the community!

I suppose this implies a web browser and a desktop rather than a mobile context?

Great post, @AlfieA.

Just for fun, I asked ChatGPT what it thought of your method:

Are you heading over to the dark side?


What do you mean, heading? I never left :wink:

@EricShulman has recently shared a solution to have a custom save button. It can be used with your solution and create a magic save button.

If you use $:/config/SaveWikiButton/Filename with below content in the text, then you can only create maximum six backups, this will work similar to Timimi which reuses the first backup file when you created the maximum number of backups. Your folder will not be populated with many .html files.

{{$:/SiteTitle}}-backup{{{[<now mm>divide[10]floor[]]}}}

The minimum interval between two saves is 10 minutes (change it if you like), that means if you press save button in less than 10 minutes the file will be overwritten.


On Android, appears to work with Chrome and Kiwi browsers, at least if you are sending to the download directory. Works once with Firefox, but somewhat irrelevant since you can’t load a file back into Firefox.

Using the name “SaveNew.html” as the file name, I saved TiddlyWiki .com to a folder on my HD (my Firefox is set to “ask” where to save). Then I double clicked SaveNew.html and it opened fine in Firefox.

What was your method?

EDIT: Oh. Android. Nevermind.

Very kind of you, Scott. This is a great community.

It was fun reading you ChatGTP post, Coda. Thank you for doing that. Was very humbled.

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Thanks for the report, Mark.
I’d be interested to know how you use your phone for TiddlyWikiing.