Save-button-dynamic nok after upgrade


updraded wiki version v5.2.6 has a strange $:/core/images/save-button-dynamic button:

saved status: grafik

not saved: grafik pulsing to grafik

$:/core/images/save-button-dynamic tagged with $:/tags/Image

<svg width="22pt" height="22pt" class="tc-image-save-button-dynamic tc-image-button" viewBox="0 0 128 128"> <g class="tc-image-save-button-dynamic-clean"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M120.783 34.33c4.641 8.862 7.266 18.948 7.266 29.646 0 35.347-28.653 64-64 64-35.346 0-64-28.653-64-64 0-35.346 28.654-64 64-64 18.808 0 35.72 8.113 47.43 21.03l2.68-2.68c3.13-3.13 8.197-3.132 11.321-.008 3.118 3.118 3.121 8.193-.007 11.32l-4.69 4.691zm-12.058 12.058a47.876 47.876 0 013.324 17.588c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48s-48-21.49-48-48 21.49-48 48-48c14.39 0 27.3 6.332 36.098 16.362L58.941 73.544 41.976 56.578c-3.127-3.127-8.201-3.123-11.32-.005-3.123 3.124-3.119 8.194.006 11.319l22.617 22.617a7.992 7.992 0 005.659 2.347c2.05 0 4.101-.783 5.667-2.349l44.12-44.12z"/> </g> <g class="tc-image-save-button-dynamic-dirty"> <path d="M64.856912,0 C100.203136,0 128.856912,28.653776 128.856912,64 C128.856912,99.346224 100.203136,128 64.856912,128 C29.510688,128 0.856911958,99.346224 0.856911958,64 C0.856911958,28.653776 29.510688,0 64.856912,0 Z M64.856912,16 C38.347244,16 16.856912,37.490332 16.856912,64 C16.856912,90.509668 38.347244,112 64.856912,112 C91.3665799,112 112.856912,90.509668 112.856912,64 C112.856912,37.490332 91.3665799,16 64.856912,16 Z"></path> <circle cx="65" cy="64" r="32"></circle> </g> </svg>

Any idea, what’s wrong?

Have you overridden the shadow definition of $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/base?

TW5.2.6 has new CSS rules that control the appearance of the save-button-dynamic:

** Dirty indicator

html body .tc-image-save-button-dynamic-clean {
	visibility: visible;

html body .tc-image-save-button-dynamic-dirty {
	visibility: hidden;

html .tc-image-save-button-dynamic-clean {
	visibility: hidden;

html .tc-image-save-button-dynamic-dirty {
	visibility: visible;
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Yes - I set it back to original → ok again :+1:

Thanks a lot, Eric :slight_smile: