Hello everyone,
I learned a lot of things from this friendly forum and I want to share my hack of making Sagecell (https://sagecell.sagemath.org/) work in Tiddlywiki.
There are many great websites that use sagecell. See for example, this linear algebra website (scroll down to see sagecells). I was hoping that we can do this in Tiddlywiki as well. Together with KaTeX plugin, one can easily create an interactive sage-enable e-book!
After a bit of googling and trial and error. I got it to work. You can see my tutorials here:
I hope this might be useful to some. (You can configure sagecell to run python code or other languages.) I use it everyday with my class.
Please note that I’m not a developer (and I know nothing about javascript). So my implementation is not perfect. I was hoping by sharing what sagecell can do, some great developers might take an interest and turn it into a proper plugin. Then I’d be more than happy to use