I recently set up a LogSeq based notes repository at https://notes.ToolsForThought.rocks
This is a statically published version of a LogSeq source, which is roughly equivalent to a TiddlyWiki.
I found the LogSeq Publish action in the GitHub Marketplace Logseq Publish · Actions · GitHub Marketplace · GitHub
You can add it to any repo containing LogSeq content, and it will automate turning it into static content and publishing it to GitHub Pages.
GitHub Actions Static Publishing
I know that TW has various static publishing commands. I’ve struggled with them locally on my desktop, and then I need to manually check those files in and commit them to get them actually published. By which time I’ve just created 5 new tiddlers and fixed some typos and I need to create static commit push to GitHub all over again.
What I need is a way to add GH Actions to a repo containing either a single file wiki or individual Tiddler wiki and publish as static content.
The workflow would generally be local editing of a TW - eg TiddlyDesktop, running a local NodeJS, etc
This should be compatible with the Git Service Saver too.
Minimum: GH Actions YML
Create a GitHub Actions compatible YML formula that advanced users can copy into their local GitHub Workflows and use and customize as needed
Since GH Pages can choose either a branch or a sub folder in the main branch, this is what should be supported.
There may be other GH Actions that help with portions of this. At minimum this is constructing a script where it is clear what options are being passed to TW static publishing commands and resulting in a folder that contains the static version of the TW.
Iterate over the script and turn it into a repo that can be called from any GH Action.
The minimum script is modified to use the repo and used as an example / getting started file.
See GitHub - pengx17/logseq-publish: Logseq Publish Action for an example of what this might look like. This likely means being comfortable with Docker.
Stretch goal: create and publish to GitHub Marketplace
Take the extra steps to package everything and publish to the marketplace.
Not in scope
There are many different ways to create and modify static publishing templates. None of that work is included here, except to the extent that the script needs to know about the command line switches and options that static publishing supports.
What this enables
This would create one default way to get TiddlyWiki content published as static content.
This makes it more likely to choose TiddlyWiki for all sorts of web projects, since static content is easier to link to, search, and customize for regular web browsing than the dynamic version.
Who is the audience
This targets medium to advanced technical users. I expect this to lead to a flurry of activity as many people can use the script in personal projects.
Related Resources
Turns out @saqimtiaz did some work about a year ago to automatically build a single file wiki and publish it from a multi Tiddler check in GitHub - saqimtiaz/TW5-github-actions-example: Example of how to use Github Actions to build and publish a TiddlyWiki
There may very well be existing GH Actions that people have built themselves! Please share any resources you find.