Reveal popup overflow


I wanted to use reveal popup to display some definitions when hovering a few important word. But the popup, when the deffinition was too long, was overflowing offscreen. I tried to assign a width to the popup or directly to the text. I appears I can only affect the width of the background.
The only solution seems to be the manual addition of “br” tags, but I intended this wiki to be used on both computer and smartphone, so really different screen width…
Is it the normal behavior of the reveal widget with the popup parameter ?
Is there any known fix for this situation

my code :

<$button class="define_Button" popup="$:/SamplePopupState"><$tiddler tiddler=$name$>Word with definition*</$tiddler></$button>

<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/define">
<div class="tc-drop-down define_popup">

this long text will go outside of screen and I don't know how to fix it. I tried styling but it does not seems to have any effect. The text will even go offscreen, and multiple lines will be displayed as a single line but hey, at least, "br" work ! <br>
See ? told you, "br" work"


By default, the TWCore-defined tc-drop-down CSS class includes white-space:nowrap, which is forcing your content to overflow the popup.

You can override this on a one-off basis by adding style="white-space:normal" to the containing DIV element, like this:

<div class="tc-drop-down define_popup" style="white-space:normal;">

Alternatively, you can apply word wrapping to ALL tc-drop-down instances by creating a tiddler (e.g., “MyStyles”), tagged with $:/tags/Stylesheet, containing the following CSS rule:

.tc-drop-down { white-space:normal; }



Thank you, it worked like a charm… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: