Requesting someone to adopt my "Draggy" experiment

Hi everyone,

I took my ‘Draggy’ experiment as far as I can take it, and I am going to use it as is for my personal use. I am not going to develop it further, and I don’t want to get myself in a situation like I did with Stroll where I have to maintain it and help people with it.

But I think it could be very helpful for users, if someone more knowledgeable than me could adopt it and bring it to completion. If you are interested, you don’t have to ask me, just take it and run with it in whatever direction that suits you. Just let me know if you ever finish it, so I can try it out for my own use.

Thanks to @saqimtiaz and to everyone else who helped with ideas and feedback.


pretty slick @DaveGifford ! Well done!

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Nice @DaveGifford

  • Perhaps there can be a way to remove the item(s)
    • perhaps part of each tiddler is a drop zone to remove from this tiddler?
  • A simple toggle either local or global, to show / hide the custom background and icons would allow a finished tiddler to look normal.
    • [Edited] Oops, found it :nerd_face:
  • I suppose once you feel this is working smoothly investigating how to organise your section tiddlers may be needed, perhaps have a look at Mohamad’s favourite’s plugin with folders?

FYI: In a related solution I have something similar on which to drop http links but in that solution they are added as incrementally added fieldnames, fieldnames I can rename.

Very cool idea. Maybe show a toggle on hover instead of an option hidden in the sidebar ?
A toggle in the view toolbar could be also more convenient.

IMO it would be great to make a viewtemplate from it, this way any tiddler can be used for drag/drop transclusion.

Nice work !

Thanks Tones!

Yes, an easier way to quickly remove items would be nice instead of opening the tiddler and deleting the transcluded tiddler title from the list field.

Yes, make sure to read all the instructions before commenting! :slight_smile:

I was thinking of a list search for section tiddlers in the sidebar.

@telumire Not sure but wouldn’t toggle on hover interfere with hovering and selecting text, etc? But the idea is a nice one. Maybe there is some way to do this.

I thought of viewtemplate at first, but the problem is that when viewing Section A from your top level tiddler, you wouldn’t see A.1 and A.2. Because they are not in the tiddler proper.

UPDATE: I just updated the CSS to make it easier to tell which dropzone is which. Also, I added a list of potential improvements and a request for someone to adopt this project. If someone does, I would be happy to explain to them which tiddlers do what.

SECOND UPDATE: Toggling gray boxes and icons is now in the viewtoolbar rather than the sidebar.

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@DaveGifford - nice!

I’m reminded of an old attempt of mine: TidBitz

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It would be nice if dragging the section from outside of tiddlers would remove it as well, if that is possible.

Hi Mat

I don’t remember seeing tidbits before. Am I correct in understanding it as a way to add special kinds of tiddler data (check boxes, etc,) to tiddlers? Looks cool.

Looks a little different than draggy, which from my perspective is more about organizing and reorganizing existing user content into a article, or moving it from tiddlers for sources to tiddlers for topics.

I didn’t look under the hood but I imagine yours is way more complex and tidy than mine.

Dave, yeah, I just thought draggys UI to drag things from the sidebar into tiddlers reminded me of it but, yes, it aims for other things (namely, to save the user from having to code by instead drag’n dropping.) I stopped working on it because it didn’t get much attention but, if I recall, also because I couldn’t figure out how to rearrange the items once they were dragged into the tiddler. It seems draggy solves this though so just maybe I should pick things up again.


@twMat I will be interested to see what you cook up!

Thanks very much for this @DaveGifford and @saqimtiaz, the drag and drop works for me on an android mobile (in Quinoid).
Reordering of image and video tiddlers also works.
If a tiddler is open then highlighting its title and dragging it to a dropzone also works - less fiddly than dragging from recent.
Very useful, thanks guys.

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