Repeat expression [n] times? A Recursive Experiment

That could be very useful for effects that occur in some recursive manner, even simple animations.

It wouldn’t be very fun to use for calculations like the above, though.

Brilliant! I love stuff like this that deals with the pragmatics of TW coding whilst having a great purpose.

I am not a maths geek. But I am aware of the Collatz Conjecture. It is fascinating to see a TW approach to it!

What starting number (i.e. with v. high resulting numbers and steps) might test a TW to see if it could survive?

That seems interesting to investigate on recursion in general in TW?

Best wishes

837799 gave me a recursive transclusion error:

(I haven’t yet tested to see whether it works better if I clear the browser’s memory-decks first.)

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It would definitely be the number of steps that matter. We’ll run out of recursion space long before hitting limits on the JS number type.

Yeah, it happens earlier too. I’m assuming you got this choice from the information about longest stopping times, which Wikipedia reports as

The starting value having the largest total stopping time while being

less than 10 is 9, which has 19 steps,
less than 100 is 97, which has 118 steps,
less than 1000 is 871, which has 178 steps,
less than 104 is 6171, which has 261 steps,
less than 105 is 77031, which has 350 steps,
less than 106 is 837799, which has 524 steps,
less than 107 is 8400511, which has 685 steps,

But it also fails for 77031 and 6171. It works for 871. I ran a loop and the first failure is at 6171, where a recursion depth of 220 seems to be the hard limit.

It shouldn’t matter. These are not taking large amounts of memory; instead they’re running into recursion depth limits imposed by TW. I don’t know if 220 is the hard-coded limit, or it it’s more like 250, but some of that is taken by other overhead of displaying this tiddler. The built-in JS limits are substantially higher. The JS Engine on my work Chrome box easily handles collatz(989345275647), which has 1349 steps. Modern engines will have depth of at least 10,000.

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/* Maximum permitted depth of the widget tree for recursion detection */


(in $:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js )


Then I assume that each level of this collatz call uses multiple widgets. Perhaps its the <% if %> and friends.

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The MAX_WIDGET_TREE_DEPTH is set to 1000, where the TW UI for some elements may use up to 150 or so. If users mess up templates the limit 1000 seems to be too high. It can “brick” the UI for quite some time. So we did discuss to lower the limit.


For recursions that are well defined, like the example here, the limit seems to be to low. It may be possible to define a tv-max-widget-tree-depth variable that can overwrite the hardcoded limit.

just some thoughts.


That was my thought when looking at @Scott_Sauyet’s interesting example.
Is there a way to let such cases run more freely?

This is fascinating. I have no objection to such a change, but it’s so far afield from why I brought this up. I simply wanted to point out that we could use recursion as well as iteration within TW. I didn’t want to continue the overuse of factorial or fibonacci for recursion discussions, and this was the first reasonably simple one I came up with.

For the record, I have no interest at all in using TW to do even slightly complicated mathematical calculations. I have much better tools for that. But Collatz was an easy-to-grasp function useful for demonstrating recursion.

I think that if this is worth doing, then the rationale should not be something like Collatz.


Interesting discussion. I am moving home today so unlikely to get into the details. However from my perspective I would hope for more transparency and where posible control to set or override global and or local limits perhaps via tv-variables.

TiddlywIki is a great platform for innovation and you dont know where innovation will take you. The idea of hard and inflexible limits are as unhelpful, as no limits on the firsts place.

I see also value in interesting mathematical sequences to use on exploring or generating data.

None of this is rocket science and is I belive solvable although only a few in our community may have the skills to execute this.

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Wow, really wow :sweat_smile:
I’m not a math geek and I never heard of the Collatz Conjecture, neither.

But it shows me very well how recursion can be used in TiddlyWiki.
Thank you for your very interesting reply!

Animations? Sounds interesting to me.
But I’m afraid that such widgets (with timeouts) could burden the browser too much?
Especially if more of them are being used.

Well good, for that was the only reason for the comment. The subsequent discussion was interesting, but somewhat beside the point.

Tiddlywiki includes some short-running animations, and they seem smooth in modern browsers. The only reason for discussing them here is that its one of the few useful reasons I’ve ever seen for setTimeout based recursions, and those were superseded years ago by better animation techniques. (I’m exaggerating a bit; there are other uses, as for an endless cycle that still allows for other parts of the code to interrupt; but they’re rare.)

The lowercase Operator has a last modified time nearly five years old, so I don’t think this is a new style.

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It was a spin-off, but nevertheless very interesting - even for a non-math geek like me. Sometimes I wish that I was more interested in mathematics, but I never found a good reason for that. It seems to be like based on some traumatic experience, dating back to my school days :grimacing:. But that’s another story.

Where did I stop? Ah yes, thank you for giving me a pretty good example for recursion.

I’ve heard of throttle.refresh before, but I’m not aware of other possibilities using Timeouts in TW as a user? Timeouts are used by the core, mostly preventing TW to become unusable due to some misconfiguration/code on the user’s behalf. Or at least it is what I’m thinking about how it should be.

Oh my, you are right. I overlooked this, thank you for pointing this out.
Must be a reason because the documentation is written by more persons, not a single one, depending of the personal style of the writer.
I like the crossreferences which helped me a lot back in the days learning other programming languages by studying the keywords in the manual - a good example is Turbo Pascal, which had an excellent online help. There were cross references, I believe, too.
Sorry if I should remember wrong, which could be the case because I didn’t use Turbo Pascal over decades.

I would really appreciate seeing a similar style in TiddlyWiki documentation.
Or am I the only one with such preferences?

Returning to this with a fresh perspective, I realised the way we use filters we tend to be guaranteed, that a recursive or iterative process will end, because a filter tends to generate a finite number of results (even if very large). Whilst this is an advantage in many cases, it is not always an advantage, as discussed in this thread.

In various procedural languages you need to use a while/when/repeat until etc… for this and you have to code the condition needed to exit a loop. This is where people can go wrong, by failing to create the appropriate exit condition. This is not a common problem in TiddlyWiki because of the above.

  • However, This has the advantage, that you can often set more than one exit condition, including one when a simple counter exceeds a preset number. In a recursive process you can even store a count of recursion depth, and exist after an arbitrary number.
  • This is not a timeout, but an alternate exit condition.
  • It will break out of the “loop”, stop processing the “titles” and end as if there was not more titles.

Perhaps if we could improve something as important as the $list widget, or provide a similar widget, to permit such a conditional forced exit of a list, give an “alternate” exit condition filter, it would be possible for designers to put it into lists that may run off too long?

As we already have the counter variable, consider if we could set in the list widget parameters an exit condition filter, such as if we use the attribute value pair “counter=item”;

  • exit-condition="[<item>compare:number:gt[100000]]"
    • Then if the number of items generated by the filter were really large ie > 100,000. Then the remainder of items will be ignored, and the list[ing] will stop.
  • We can also allow the user to also provide an optional exit-message, to indicate when the exist condition was true, perhaps even allow a trigger?
    • This is similar to the emptyMessage condition but when a second filter is true, rather than no entries.
  • For a recursive process, where one macro (containing a list) calls itself, we could count a depth variable and use that in the exist condition
    • Eg; exit-condition="[<depth>compare:number:gt[100]]
    • But can we find a way to exit all levels? I expect you can in JavaScript.

What do you think @pmario @jeremyruston etc… ?

I am no coder. No expert on loops.

BUT, in TW, it does seem that even “IN the loop” you can set whatever conditions you want. For instance the Collatz (above) could be run a long time with pauses? Also the “recommencement number” could be established after, say, 100 loops—so that, in TW, it freshly restarts the loop at that number (retaining the loop-count)? So that potential infinity is postponed?

That is a bit different from needing an external “supervisor” to ensure you don’t explode?

Just a (slightly esoteric) comment.

Recursive procedures do not necessarily contain list-widgets. So it does not really make sense to add an exit condition to the list widget. It will not solve the underlaying problem. The number of list elements is determined by the filter-expression.

Handling 100000 elements internally is not the real problem. It seems as soon as we do create that many DOM elements “in one go”, we do get a problem.

At the moment there are some pull requests underway, which try to explore the problem a bit closer.

As I wrote. No list-widgets are involved.

Only the widget-prototype is involved. Eg. The most common problem new users face is {{}} which is the shortcut for <$transclude/> in the tiddler preview pain → It reads its own tiddler content and renders it. So it reads <$transclude/> and renders → and so on.

Internally behaviour like this creates a “nested” widget-tree. So transclusion inside transclusion inside transclusion … The widget-depth can be counted.

At the moment the maximum number of nested transclusions is hard-coded to 1000. That’s OK for the TW UI, which needs about a depth of 60 - maximum. So there is plenty of headroom. – But –

Recursive procedures like the one, discussed in this thread or the Fibonacci series are designed to “behave well”.

They “only” need more time (and memory). So the hardcoded max of 1000 may not be enough.

The main problem is, that the underlaying widget-prototype functions are performance sensitive. Even adding a new if(){} command, at the wrong place, can have performance related side effects.

I did suggest tv-max-widget-tree-depth in an earlier post. That cannot happen.

It did create a general slowdown of creating the right sidebar → More → Tags list at tw-com from ~260ms to >310ms. That’s about 20% increase for “normal” use on my PC.

A different way, that does not have a negative performance impact, introduces a mechanism, that we (the devs) do not really want. It may limit future development “freedom”, because once published we cannot get rid of it anymore, for backwards compatibility reasons.

So a completely new mechanism will be evaluated, which should avoid the need to “publish” an internal “private” variable.

hope that makes sense


TW is designed to be executed “synchronous” - What you describe is an “asynchronous” behaviour, which brings a whole new set of challenges. - So yes it could be done that way, but we do not have any APIs in the core, that would allow us to do stuff like this one asynchronously. - Except -

The tm-http-* messages work asynchronously because that cannot be avoided.

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Hi @TW_Tones your two opening paragraphs are a lucid exposition of the differences between conventional procedural programming and the declarative programming seen in TiddlyWiki.

The list widget already as a limit attribute for cutting off the list at a given number of entries. How would this be different?

I understand there are various ways to get into a “loop” including transclusions. The idea was that be it in a list widget, or even a special list widget, that the designer could chose to design with the exit limit in mind. This not so much a global solution but an option when the code is at risk of running too long.

  • I think most recursions may be able to be “written as nested lists” if needed.

I am thinking to use it like a debug or performance monitor where we can choose this code pattern in cases where we may need it. In effect making it possible if not global.

Good point Jeremy, this limit is a good option for many cases but this does limit the input only. If the code pattern then leads to excessive loops or recursion it will not nessasarily make a difference.

  • However perhaps I/we should document this use of the limit operator.

Example documentation note

Filters can generate, none, one or many items so be carful when writing TiddlyWiki Script because you could “include” a very large number of titles that may take a long time to process. This may appear to effectively freeze your tiddlywiki.

  • One way to combat this is to use the limit operator to ensure the output does not exceed a give number of items. For example if you expect not more than 100 items, putting a limit of 10,000 +[limit[10000]] may protect you from a logical error that generates a long list.
  • The limit can be a more advanced filter that acts on any variable or other parameter, such as a recursion depth.
  • There is no logical way to determine if the exit condition occurred.
  • The filter would be independent of the main filter, and trivial to add or remove. Allowing such a condition to be kept out of the listing, when not in use.
  • it’s just an idea to see if we can at least have the opportunity to build solutions that can be coded to test for possible “run away”, or long processing. I am perfectly open to any approach that may help reduce this problem.
    • The simplest version may be a limit number to test against the counter variable, but this is almost equivalent to using the limit operator.