Relink on Node.js - am I doing this right?

Hello folks!

I’m new to TiddlyWiki. Earlier this week I set up the Node.js version of TW on a small VPS. As I was migrating some of my Obsidian notes to my new wiki I discovered that updating a note title didn’t update all the links to that note across all my notes.

I found the Relink plugin after searching the forum. I followed the instructions in the README to install it, but I’m not sure if I did it correctly. Here are the steps I followed:

  1. Cloned the Relink GitHub repository.
  2. Copied over all the plugins from the tw5-relink/plugins/ directory into my wiki/plugins/ directory.
  3. Created a new tiddler with the title $:/config/SyncDisableLazyLoading and entered only the text yes into the text area.
  4. Restarted my Node.js process.

I’ve been successfully using Relink since doing this, but I’m worried that I may have made a mistake. Primarily because the Relink documentation says this:

Relink does not support tiddlywikis that implement the NodeJS lazy loading mechanism.

And later:

So if you want to use Relink on your NodeJS server, make sure you disable lazy loading. There’s actually a bug where lazy loading can delete your tiddlers’ bodies. This is a core bug that exists regardless of Relink . Relink does exacerbate it, but do you really want to be using lazy loading to begin with?

I guess my actual question is: how do I disable lazy loading in the Node.js version of TiddlyWiki? Is it enough to create $:/config/SyncDisableLazyLoading and put a yes in there?

And also: is Relink safe to use? Will I end up losing data?

On TW Node, lazy-loading is opt-in. You need to include something like root-tiddler=$:/core/save/lazy-images or root-tiddler=$:/core/save/lazy-all in the command that starts Node. (I don’t know if there is an alternative method in

If you’re not doing that, then this shouldn’t be a worry.

I’ve been using it heavily for a few years and never had it lose data for me. But I don’t use lazy loading, myself.

The bug-report you linked has been closed. So it should be fixed.

The relink-plugin is one of the view plugins I do use myself for my own wikis. It did never fail for me. I have to say that I rarely need renaming. I also do carefully check, the “Use Relink to update …” list, when I need it. So I can be sure, what happens.

Thank you @Scott_Sauyet and @pmario! I’m going to delete the $:/config/SyncDisableLazyLoading tiddler since it looks like I don’t need it. And good to know Relink is widely used and considered safe. In any case, I’m going to set up backups to safeguard against data loss.

I have a bunch more questions, but it’s probably best to create new topics for those.

Yes. For new questions create a new thread. It’s easier, if users search for a certain topic.