I’ve been using Refnotes 1.8.3 — references, citations, footnotes and abbreviations in Tiddlywiki for quite a while now with great success. Love it.
I’m now trying to do something that is giving me some difficulty and that is using Refnotes in relation to viewtemplates. This is for my Kansas Railroad TW. Below is the code in my ViewTemplate:
\import $:/plugins/kookma/section/macros/main
<div class="tufte">
<$list filter="[all[current]tag[Railroads]]" variable="dummy">
__Charter Summary__<<fnote {{!!infosource}}>><p/>
The {{!!title}} was chartered as a {{!!gauge}} gauge railroad in the state of {{!!statefiled}} on <$macrocall $name="date-str" date={{!!charterfiled}}/> (Vol. {{!!chartervolume}}, page {{!!charterpages}}) and was signed by {{!!signers}}
It was chartered to build a railroad {{!!proposedroute}}
It's term of existence was set at {{!!term}} and the capital stock was set at {{!!capital}}
<$list filter="[all[current]has[stockholders]]">
The stockholders for the company were {{!!stockholders}}
The directors or incorporators were {{!!directors}}.
<$transclude tiddler="Mileage Table for Template Inclusion" field=text mode=block />
The {{!!title}} existed as a company from its charter on <$macrocall $name="date-str" date={{!!charterfiled}}/> to
<$let date={{!!successiondate}}
<$list filter="[title<currentTiddler>tags[]] -[[Railroads]] -[[principal]] :and[!is[blank]]">
<$macrocall $name="date-str" date=<<date>>/> when it was taken over by the <$link> <<currentTiddler>> </$link>.
<$list filter="[title<currentTiddler>tags[]] -[[Railroads]] -[[principal]] :and[is[blank]]">
<$macrocall $name="date-str" date=<<date>>/>.
<$transclude field=text mode=block />
<div style="float: left;">
<<showfnotes filter:"[title[Railroad ViewTemplate]] [title<currentTiddler>]" >>
<h2>Further Information</h2>
<div style="font-size: 0.9em;">
<<tabs "[[Summary Tab]] [[Route Map]] Trackage [[Railroad Predecessors]] [[Railroad Successors]] [[Associated]] [[Railroad Cross-references]] [[Railroad Status Checkboxes]]" "Summary Tab" "$:/state/rrfootertab" "footertabs">>
It all works fine except for one thing. The line that begins with __Charter Summary__
is pulling the source of the information from a field in the railroad tiddler. This works fine for the superscript and popup, but the showfnotes macro is trying to pull the information from the infosource field of the template tiddler. Thus there is a number in the footnotes list, but its text is blank because that field doesn’t exist in the template tiddler. I’ve tried several different things and have had no success. Would love some input from the smart community on this one.
Thanks in advance.