Referencing other list number in list

If I have an automatically numbered list in a tiddler, is it possible to reference to any specific item in the list, e.g. the number in (()) at step 3.1 to be taken from the actual numbering of step 2 and it will automatically be updated if I amend the list (e.g. insert/remove steps between etc.)?

# step 1
((#)) step 2
## step 2.1
## step 2.2
## step 2.3
# step 3
## step 3.1 go back to step ((2.1))
## step 3.2

To my knowledge not out of the box, but it could be done with a list widget and some smart filters. The trick is determining the number independently from the list, and rather than encode ((2.1)) use an appropriate reference eg if step 2.2 read fill out form.

  • Someone with strong CSS skills may have a solution.

I was hoping if there is a set of macros to use, one to mark a point to be referenced by, and another to reference that point and extract the corresponding numbering to be rendered/displayed. The intent is to write lists (of instructions/steps) and refer to other instructions/steps and be able to add/remove additional list items without needing to manually update those references, kind of like the anchor tag in HTML but for within a tiddler?

I understand your need but my own instructions dont change often so I just use a manual process or reference another step by name not number.

However I will give it a little more thought as there may be a way that has other uses a well.

Note: if each step is a seperate tiddler there are additional ways to handle this.

I can see a number of ways to achive this however they are quite involved and do nothing more than allow the reference to use the number when you could just link to the full step name. You could hide it in a macro, and a button, but how you do this depends on if each step has a tiddler and other design conciderations.

  • I can see a way to do it for a single level list.

Ok thanks for clarifying, it was a long shot. The list of instructions I am referring to are steps to build up a customized TW from scratch and doesn’t change often as you mentioned. I believe it would indeed be easier if the full lists are broken down into sub-tiddlers, but like how I like my wikis (everything in 1 file), I like complete instructions in 1 tiddler too, to avoid the possibility of missing out exporting sub-tiddlers and end up with broken instructions.