Recording of Jeremy's Keynote at QCon London, April 2024

In April I gave the opening keynote at the software industry conference “QCon London” under the title “The Home Computer That Roared: How the BBC Micro Shaped Our World”.

The video and slides have just been released. There is also a transcript but you’ll miss the many embedded videos. I’ve given some background and further thoughts below.

These software industry conferences are a big industry in themselves. Employers of the attendees pay several thousand dollars for each ticket, typically taken as part of the training budget. The idea is that the attendees get to brush up their skills and situational awareness in a convivial setting with lots of networking opportunities.

Somewhat surprisingly given the high ticket prices, speakers are not paid for these kind of events. The idea is that we benefit from the exposure. There are quite a few regular speakers at industry conferences that use it as a very successful shop window for selling themselves as a consultant. While I enjoy public speaking, I’ve always found that putting together an interesting talk for a general audience is very demanding, and so it’s not something I’ve done very often.

The organisers wanted me to mix some nostalgia about what I was doing as a teenager along with the sort of (hopefully) searing insight into the current state and future direction of the software industry that comes with now being an old timer.

Most of the conference is structured to give attendees a choice of two or three different talks, but the keynote (and the closing talk) are different, plenary sessions that everybody is expected to attend. That meant that I had to target the talk to a technical but general audience, and not make assumptions about what they knew about life in Britain in the 1980s or how open source works today.

The BBC Micro was an important home computer in the United Kingdom in the 1980s and 1990s. It has a good claim to contemporary global significance thanks to the fact that its designers went on to design the ARM chip, one of the underpinnings of the mobile computing revolution of the last 20 years.

The BBC Micro was also very significant personally: it was released when I was 17, and had had a lot of experience with earlier machines. I devoured that machine, breaking it down until I understood every last aspect of its magical behaviour. I wrote books about it, made software for it, and used it to produce animations that were used on British national TV.

Despite that significance, the story of the BBC Micro isn’t where I would choose to start if I was given a free rein to speak about anything I wanted. While I loved the BBC Micro at the time, I was unsentimental and moved on to other and better computers as soon as I could get my hands on them.

So I had to work hard to weave in the story that I wanted to tell – which, of course, is really the story of TiddlyWiki and everything I’ve learnt from its users and community.

I had a few worries while I was preparing for the talk, one of the chief ones being that it might inadvertently only be accessible to people who share my historical and cultural background. Happily, I got great feedback for the talk, and was overwhelmed by kind comments over the rest of the conference.

I am left wondering what I should learn from the experience, and particularly whether the feedback might be telling me something important. For example, maybe I am missing opportunities to do this sort of thing and get paid at the same time – it might be possible to persuade the companies that send attendees to these conferences to instead spend some of that cash on getting me to address their in-house meeting.

Here are some of the pictures from the slides:


Just read through the transcript.

Interesting talk and a really nice ending.

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Many thanks for the memories! I used to own a BBC Micro and one of your books.

Really impressive!
Wish you best of luck!


Surely. Perhaps Google Talks is out of reach in the beginning, but who truly knows what might come your way once you put it out there: “Jeremy is available for <whatever>”.

If it were me, starting out, I’d head to the schools and colleges (a loss-leader at first – work out the flow, iron out the wrinkles).

Good luck.

Thank you for the encouragement, much appreciated.

Thanks @wikster that has more than made my day. I would never have guessed that there would be anyone spanning both of these worlds. I did consider trying to write a minimal TiddlyWiki in BBC Basic for the keynote which would have nicely tied things together.

Perhaps it’s a different thing, but funnily enough, I have done at least three Google internal “Tech Talks” that I can remember. The first was in 2006 in London, followed quickly by one in Mountain View. I think that the talks were recorded but as far as I know were only available behind the Google firewall. The first one was memorable for encountering a Google engineer who could not accept/understand how TiddlyWiki managed to work without a server.


…for 20 years.

Should have been an interview question.

Yep, and me. We (where I worked at the time) used to build the Sinclair stuff. Testing new ideas for addons always seemed to start with the BBC Micro (better i/f as I recall). We used to build ZX Spectrums, ZX81s, Commodores, Dragons (remember that thing?) and oodles of ram packs for them. I cut my teeth on Z80 assembler, and then (of all things) PL/1 on GenRad ATE. But there were quite a few techs that wouldn’t touch the “toys” we were building – “I’ll stick to the BBC, mate. It’s a proper computer”.

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Utterly brilliant!

Many thanks. Not least because the personal reveal gives a lot of “backbone” (=‘The main support or major sustaining factor’) to why TW is worth it.

I need digest it & then I may comment more.

TT, x

It is interesting. I failed miserably at computing. I am still am a total failure at coding.
I am a much better, anyway, as an anthropologist.
(Aside: Human logic is far easier than Skynet?)

At the time at my school we could program to PUNCHED TAPE only. I failed because to correct a logic error you had to work it out manually. The tape either worked or didn’t “online” for one hour a day.

FYI: My first program was to land a spacecraft on the moon.
They are still in orbit.


Oh, that was you?

You need to get back on that. Those astronauts really, really need a pee break.

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HOW now Brown Cow could I FIX the PAPER TAPE? … Asking for a mammal.


Hopefully you are not working on a saver for tiddlywiki on tape and via the moon!

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Back in my early days of computing (late 70s), we used ASR-33 Teletypes with paper tape punch/readers.

One of my clever friends wrote a BASIC program into which you could enter any text message, and it converted the characters of the text into 5-byte sequences of 7-bit numbers that when punched on paper tape would result in 5x7 dot matrix patterns that spelled out the message on the tape!



That was certainly a wonderful presentation! It is always very interesting, even if it rarely happens, when someone gives a presentation that so obviously has taken a life time to “accumulate”. Many different angles, entertaining, insightful, informative and “totally Jeremy”. Also thanks for the reflective writeup in this thread.

maybe I am missing opportunities to do this sort of thing and get paid at the same time – it might be possible to persuade the companies that send attendees to these conferences to instead spend some of that cash on getting me to address their in-house meeting.

Maybe combined with a workshop? “Tell ya what, since I like ya’ - I’ll even throw in 10 copies of TiddlyWiki for free! Oh, you’re 50 people… oooh, I’ll see what I can do.”

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Exactly! I also enjoyed the talk very much. I would think people would be hungry for more.

You do realize, that it is an offer to get a piece of Jeremy’s mind, to take home with them and use and use for ever more- and the reason we love Tiddlywiki sooooo much.