Recognize contributors

Shall we recognize contributors in some way?

There is an auto post to Twitter that I could ask Jeremy to Twitter — this would tweet a thank you to each contributor.

We could also set up a Discourse badge. This wouldn’t have any functionality or permissions, it just shows who has contributed.

Hi @boris yes, it would be great to do a better job of recognising contributors. Twitter announcements would be great if you can see a route to automating it?

I’ve always like that the credits for GitHub contributors in the release notes on are baked into the product. Perhaps we could do the same for opencollective contributors, maybe by having the build script invoke the API and generate tiddlers from the results.

I often thought we need a “TW Networker Version” that has ability to (original) post toTwitter, Telegram, GG, Discourse, Discord & Reddit on ONE click.

The point is “Recognitions need Broadcasting”.

Of the many, I would guess @pmario is in the upper echelons.
We might make him an example?

Just a comment from a network fiend.

I think you have control over the main TiddlyWiki Twitter? If so, you can login to the Open Collective and link it @jeremyruston

I can also get a Mastodon account setup, probably on server, and then we can at least automate cross posting to some degree.

There is a (somewhat stale) Discourse integration for Open Collective – I’d like to start with at least the basics of as much as possible being automated to be prompt in recognizing people.

Having people man the Twitter / Mastodon accounts for some active searching and conversation would be good, too.

Recognizing contributors also has the knock-on bonus of raising awareness that there is a TiddlyWiki OpenCollective (OC).

We have had more new contributors to OC in the last couple of weeks with increased chatter about it than the preceding several months, which I think suggests that we need to do more to raise awareness that it exists.

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Right. Exactly that.

Use it or lose it.

I do have concerns about reality, though I guess chatter can create a relevant, viable reality too?


Thanks @boris I’ve set that up. The default contents of the tweet box is a bit cryptic, it’s not clear if that is a special token or if it needs to be changed somehow. It’s not clear how to get the contributors twitter handle into the message:

I think you’re an admin too, so do feel free to adjust it as needed

Cryptic indeed! I put Thanks for supporting the #TiddlyWIki community! connectedAccounts.twitter.newBacker.tweet – let’s see what tweets out :slight_smile:

The OC docs page for this seems to be stale.