Quick Tip: Cut & Paste, text content, end of lines

Quick Tip.

If like me you regularly paste text from pdfs, web-pages and other sources into Tiddler content using the editor then you may find yourself manually “re-flowing” lines of text that have have acquired end of line / carriage returns / line breaks - now you want text to flow naturally according to width of the tiddler.

One fast way is to paste the text “as is” so you get


Then stop editing, save and view the tiddler.


You should find that the text is displayed without the hard end of line returns on account of the way HTML works where eol’s and whitespace are trimmed for display.

Simply copy the displayed text, open the editor once more, paste the displayed text in the editor window and remove the version (with line breaks) that you first pasted in.

I can’t promise this works on every browser and set-up, the HTML display side of things should be standard but the editor will vary from browser to browser.

My browser does offer an alternative “paste unformatted text” but it does not work in this context.

This an interesting approach, and with most good ideas it was hiding there in plain site. I will have a little experiment or two, I may also have a way to “automate it”.

Thanks for sharing @jonnie45