Question about fields and TiddlyMap

Hello dear TW friends. I have the following question about fields: I have a number of tiddlers, tagged “meetings”, with a special field, called “people”, where I record the people who attended each meeting, placed in double square brackets ([[ ]]). In fact this selection happens using the GenTags plugin ( Using the plugin created a field called people and then, when choosing people from the tag-like menu, a special field, called people is created and populated. Finally, I have a created a meetings template tiddler with the code:

So far, so good: when I open a meetings tiddler, the template kicks in and whatever name is n the field “people” is presented in the tiddler body, as a link, as expected.

However, when I open then LiveView in the Tiddlymap plugin, the names are not registered as nodes linked to the tiddler.

For instance, if I put the name [[John Doe]] in the ‘‘people’’ field I see a link in the tiddler but no nodw in tiddlymap.

If I actually edit the tiddler and write [[John Doe]] I see both the link and the node “John Doe” in tiddlymap.

So my question is: what do I need to put in the meetings template, in order for the names in the “people” field to be actually written in the tiddler text as wikilnks and consequently presented as nodes in tiddlymap?

Hope this make sense. I am an old twc user, no Javascript knowledge and tw5 is completely new to me. Thanks in advance!


I added TiddlyMap to your thread title, since TiddlyMap is quite a specific tool.

I haven’t spent much time with TiddlyMap, but there’s a general region to explore — as TiddlyWiki gets more complex — in terms of whether any given tool (search tool, list tool, diagram tool, etc.) that scans for links (or backlinks, or “missing” tiddlers, etc.) — looks only in the text field, or looks also in other fields.

It should be possible to tweak TiddlyMap so that it recognizes links in fields beyond the basic text field. I’ll leave it to others to say more about how one would go about doing so…

If you create a tiddlymap of some other tiddlers and review the related fields on the related toddlers, you will see the fields in use. I believe there are specific fields to use to represent the relationships, not any arbirary fieldname.

  • Otherwise you should find details in documentation or the plugin details.

Springer, TW_Tones, thank you very much! I’ll try with the plugins documentation.
In the meantime I’ve stumbled upon this piece of code

[Edited] to set code as visible as code.

<$button>Field To Tag
<$set name="myfieldvalue" value={{!!people}}>
<$action-listops $field="text" $subfilter="[<myfieldvalue>]"/>

which kind of does what I need, albeit not automatically, but with the use of a button.
This button takes the information from the people field

Screenshot 2024-02-22 144824

and writes it in the tiddler body as one string between double brackets

[[[[John Doe ]] [[Jane Birkin]]]]

so my follow up questions are:

  1. Any idea how to remove the excess bracketa so that the end result is
    [[John Doe ]] [[Jane Birkin]]
  2. If yes, any idea how to automate that function? Like have it run when the tiddler is closed?

Thank you!