Hi, I was trying to make a custom Trigger for Autocomplete and I needed to make a very simple one (i.e. the combination of two characters that rarely go together just recommends me just 2 specific words). So I didn’t want to make more tiddlers or work on this for too long, and thought to put as theSuggestion Filter something like this: [list[$:/EvidentlyCube/Trigger/10]]
I would then put the two words in the “list” field and ideally Autocomplete would recommend the words entered in the filter.
But unfortunately it does suggest them but enclosing them in double square brackets, like so [[Word1]] [[Word2]]
Once I saw it I remembered why this happens (It also happens with other fields)
But at the moment I haven’t come up with any other ideas to solve this problem.
- Is there some way for autocomplete to just give me the words I manually insert without putting them in square brackets?
(The only solution that I think might work even if I haven’t tested it is to create tiddlers with that name, but I don’t like it because they wouldn’t be shadows)
Ideal would be a field or data tiddler or similar. I’m sure there is a way, but I just have no idea where to start.