Pushing the limits of tiddlywiki: The tiddlywikis awards!

I often see users wondering if tiddlywiki is the right tool for them, especially regarding images content. Case in point: https://www.reddit.com/r/TiddlyWiki5/comments/10g0jpt/is_tw_a_good_option_for_a_very_large_wiki_with/

I have a lot of wikis but they are very focused and often are work in progress with a moderate amount of tiddlers, so it’s a bit hard for me to say with confidence if tiddlywiki is the right tool for them or not.

There are several websites now that curate interesting tiddlywikis, but as far as I know, there never was some sort of award event, to showcase the most impressive wikis. Notable exception to grok tiddlywiki which is showcased on the front page of https://tiddlywiki.com/, which is much deserved.

I suggest that in this thread, you share the wikis that in your mind push tiddlywiki to its limit. Wiki that would deserve an award. Wikis with thousands of tiddlers, with incredible UI, anything that is NOT a cool demo, but an actual wiki with actual content.

A good example, for which I would give an award in the education category: https://atlas-disciplines.unige.ch/

Do you know of any other ?


Great idea! Let’s kick off the nominations for the TiddlyWiki Awards 2023.

Would you be prepared to take a lead on this @telumire? We could:

  • Make some categories for the awards
  • Add a badge to tiddlywiki.com inviting nominations (and then later a new badge publishing the results)
  • Publicise the competition on other forums like Reddit and Discord
  • Set some milestones for the end of nominations, start of voting, publishing of results
  • Have an online award ceremony (perhaps on Discord?)

We’d need to figure out the best way of voting on the entries. There might be better options than the built-in Discourse voting system.


I wasn’t expecting that it’ll be official, but why not ! I think we could take some inspirations from https://www.awwwards.com/ for the evaluation:


But IMO content should worth more since the aim here is to showcase actual tiddlywiki instead of just pretty demo, so maybe something like:

Design: 20% points
Usability: 30% points
Creativity: 20% points
Content: 30% points

And for the categories, for now I’m thinking of these:

  • teaching
  • gaming
  • creative writing
  • experiments

I am not sure how voting will be handled at this point, but I will think about it. One possibility could be to use https://tiddlywiki.org/ to host the event, display the entries, and provide a submission and voting system. Another option to consider is using a TiddlyWiki inspired from Saq’s PR maker to facilitate easy submissions ?


Eberron TW by Ziphion.

There are some notes and demo video links here.


That webshop by @Siniy-Kit (url?)

…which, BTW, indicates the need for more categories. “Commercial” ?


Hi, Mat. My project https://heeg.ru/ “found his own way”!. It is idea of one of users, who made his on-line Tiddlywiki store on my site. He sell nuts and fruits in Telegram groups! Here is his store For every Telegram group it has his own link so when google form put order to google spreadsheet he knows the name of group. And I write Telegram Bot to POST orders number and sum to Telegram group. I dont know why, but it works very good, and many people buy nuts in this way (I see statistic).

Yesterday he started making his next store on my site Интернет магазин Heeg.html загружается.... — Heeg.html
and it is more strange… every item in this store have counter. If you make order, this counter become +1, and you will get this item if at last it will rich some limit for “group buy”


I agree, with two additions for categories:

  • Productivity
  • Accessibility and inclusion (not only for accessibility award for TW UX, but for using TW in inclusion activities too)

I agree, but I think the award should be inclusive, good wikis are available in any language.

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It makes sense to award well designed TW UX for accessibility. But inclusion beyond UX, as in regarding the ideology of the content, should be kept outside of this. (If this is not obvious… then it will be obvious when the award goes to some ideological view that totally opposes your own.)

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Perhaps if someone wins an award for an open solution, then that is when the the community helps translate it to multiple languages.

  • I have tried to look for good instructions for making plugins and tiddlers “ready for multiple languages” - and not found them.
  • I barely speak a second language so its hard for me to even add a second language. We could use browser based translations, if this was automated somewhat, then have a native speaker review the result but this needs to be automated so people who don’t know the other languages can build the right methods into a solution.

Kansas Railroad Wiki shown in this post by @HistoryBuff is a project with actual content that deserve to be in the award nite. Although I haven’t seen beyond some screenshots posted by the author, it definitely looks like a well crafted and maintained wiki. I am not sure whether he can share the wiki for award purpose due to copyright concerns.


It is excellent, I saw his work sometime ago when I was helping him, but under a informal non disclosure. Its very good, but like I fear many wikis a lot of us populate them with private information, sometimes organisational in confidence and intellectual property, that is not readily “redacted”.

It is a real issue for the community.

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Thanks @arunnbabu81 and @TW_Tones for the kind words. I really appreciate it. It has been a lot of work and time, but also a lot of fun (much to the chagrin of my wife, I think). Being retired, I have time for it and her thankfully.

I have been wanting to put my wiki out on tiddlyhost for some time, but just can’t convince myself it won’t get me in trouble. It’s not my original research that I’m concerned about, but that of others. Much of what I have in there is public record, but I’m struggling with how to disentangle others original research from the public information. Plus, tiddlyhost doesn’t currently support the amount of space I would need for my external content which includes many old maps and documents.

Sharing screenshots would make it better if that would be acceptible. That way I could cherry pick the features and content to avoid any copyright issues.

I had no idea when I started this project where it would go, but I am quite happy with it. I have tweaked it some since my post that @arunnbabu81 referred to, but it’s not considerably different. Just a little step toward being mobile friendly, but a long way to go.


@twMat Good idea, a “commercial” category is great to show off how tiddlywiki can be used professionaly !

@michalradacz right, productivity system is a must-have category for tiddlywiki too ! Accessibility and inclusion is important that is 100% true, however as twMat say I’m not sure how we can judge if a wiki content is inclusive or not ? Hard agree for inclusive UI/UX tho !

So the list would be

  • teaching → maybe education would be better, to cover both teaching and learning ?
  • gaming
  • creative writing
  • experiments
  • commercial
  • Accessibility and inclusion

@fcjz good point, as long as the wiki showcase a real-world use then IMO it should be able to be submitted, maybe along a short description in english so anyone can understand what the wiki is about (since the first language for tiddlywiki dev is english). Maybe others could provide translations but I’m not qualified for that (except for french !), but it would be interesting to provide a way to contribute translations for the list of nominated wikis in order to be as inclusive as possible. That’s why I think doing this in a tiddlywiki edition is probably a good idea since there is a translation mechanism that can be used there.

@arunnbabu81 oh wow you’re right it looks amazing!

I suggest that for private wikis that can’t be fully shared publicly, people submit videos, or at least very detailed screenshots ? Otherwise we dont really have a way to check if submissions of wikis are real or just mockups (although in this particular case it’s clear it is ). Of course this is just a list of suggestion, anyone is welcome to contribute ideas / feedbacks on how the tiddlywikis awards should be done :slight_smile:

IMO this thread is already fulfilling its initial goal, that was to discover interesting wikis with content that can be used as very good examples of the best of what Tiddlywiki is capable of. Hopefully people will keep sharing wikis, and once we have a consequent list (at least ten wikis) it will be time to worry about creating a custom tiddlywiki edition to showcase the wikis / allow voting and further submissions.


Not sure where we submit the URL:

I’ll add my awesome content to the running list:


That gets me 30%, now I need to tweak some UI :wink: