Prototype: search-details-tabs-fields-outlines

Hi everyone

Here is a link to an unfinished experiment of mine. I would love feedback. The explanation is at the link.

Good for reviewing tiddlers from a list-search, good for outlining, good for editing custom fields in big windows, etc.

This may be a giffmex plugin eventually, and your feedback may improve it. Or it may inspire you to do it way better than I have.

What do you think?


@DaveGifford this looks interesting

From where does list-search originate?

  • I am looking for something similar, basically to allow us to search within a filtered scope,
    • for example I have a filter that generates a list, I want a quick and easy way to add a search that only searches the items in that list.
    • You could call it a “focused search”

The list-search macro can be found here: tb5 — Welcome

You can change the list filter and the list item template, so it has some pretty decent flexibility.

Interesting! Anything that brings the power of outlining into world of wiki is always of interest to me -and this does so in quite a unique way.

I particularly appreciate how easily one can narrow focus via filter, then add a new node in that context via ‘+’ button in view mode… Then if you just close that new tiddler that is spawned, and repeat the process, you can bang out an outline of stub tiddlers pretty quickly, without having to do any actual editing.

The result of such agile outlining of course is a mess of stub tiddlers w/ no text. To flag these for further treatment, i’ll be adding a “stub” tag (manually) before closing out of it… But adding that tag automatically would be a nice refinement.

Moreover: this works well in your demo wiki to further develop the “Animals” hierarchy, but when i click the ‘+’ above the filter widget to add a sibling node of “Plants”, it doesn’t have the same outlining affordance. It was easy to add by copying that code over from Outline field of Animals tiddler, but that step should be automated (i do see from the “Note” on your demo wiki, that you aim to do this in a next step; just thought i should reinforce this as a UX priority).

The other buttons are also interesting -especially the ‘References’ button, which reveals both Backlinks and Tag references- but this does not work across the whole hierarchy, and i don’t know how to hack it myself… So i’ll just have to watch here for news from developer Dave :service_dog:

Q: What would be the easiest way, i wonder, to convert an outline from this tool into a ToC tab for the wiki?

Hi ludwa!

Yes, as I mentioned, it is not a finished project, but a prototype. The main thing missing, as you noted, is that the new tiddler buttons don’t put everything needed into the new tiddlers. The tiddler text fields need <<bottomtabs>> so that the tabs appear there, and the Outline-edit tab has a new button and a macrocall for the toc macro.

This is basically a tweak to the default toc macro (for now, a change to a core tiddler, so this prototype is not for general use, just for show).

Interesting that you picked up on the rapid outlining of empty tiddlers. That is precisely how I used it when I came up with it: I created almost 700 tiddlers in one night, mapping academic topics. When I have time and energy to play with it I hope to expand the map to thousands. And I may not necessarily add content. The taxonomy itself has its own value.

You don’t have to close the tiddler to repeat the process. It is faster to hit the clone button of the newly created tiddler, to create sister tiddlers under the same branch. Sorry, mixing metaphors.

Rather than adding stub tags, consider this option for detecting tiddlers with no content: Documenting TW — a non-linear personal web notebook

To add the tool anywhere in the present file, paste <$macrocall $name=“toc” tag={{!!title}} /> anywhere, and change the tag to tag="whatever tag you want". That should work. It will not work in other files.

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Understood, Dave -and thanks for the good tips, re cloning sibs, and search for empty/not empty tiddlers.

Regarding that “default ToC macro” : can you say more about how this works? I can’t use your macrocall of ToC in any TW instance of mine, since i’m not yet ready to introduce any modifications to core tiddlers…

But i tried in your demo instance to create a ToC the way i usually do, which is to create a tiddler called “Contents” , tag it with $:/tags/SideBar , populate text field with

<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable 'Contents' sort[title]>>

… and then i can tag top-level tiddlers with “Contents”, tag children of those with name of parent, and so on down thru the hierarchy. Instead of doing this, i tried just pasting your macrocall on ToC into text of Contents tiddler, but that didn’t do anything.

Can you suggest another way of converting these outlines into a ToC?

Sorry, ludwa, I only modified the “toc” section of the core tiddler, not the selective or expandable or any other section. This was just a fast, initial prototype. When I do it right, I will revert the core to normal and clone it and adjust all of the sections so that it can be used with all the options.

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