Projectify - Dragging tiddlers in todo list adds tags to dragged tiddler

Somewhat related, but I am getting a strange error when re-arranging todos within a Project’s page using drag-and-drop to re-order the list. The tags from one todo get copied over the other todo tiddlers. I’d like to prevent tags being copied like this. Has anyone else experienced that ?

(I realized this is an archived plug-in now).

Can you show us an example?

Although archived others still actively use this plugin. A few of have forked the project to keep it.

if you move drag and drop these items in the list to re-order them, the composer tags from the list items below or above the one you are dragging get duplicated. — 🌱 digital garden  🗂  work repository

so for example take Fantasiestücke Opus 12 and drag it to the top of the list. you’ll see the tags from the item below got duplicated onto this tiddler.

This is not something I have seen before, there would be value testing this on an empty tiddlywiki + Projectify + some test tiddlers to see if it is occurring there.

  • I don’t expect this to be normal behaviour

If you look at the contents tab of the projectify plugin you can see there are five tiddlers that have being modified (non-bold titles). I opened each and use the preview to see what if any changes were made and it appears there are none of consequence.

  • If you add a flag to a projectify list item, it moves to the top of the list without the additional tags being added. This suggests its the drag and drop mechanism.
  • When a drag and drop mechanism is used there may be a source and target tiddler, what we see suggests perhaps these are miss referenced. That is when the tags are updated they come from the wrong tiddler, however the tags are added, they do not replace existing ones.

When dragging the tiddler “Fantasiestücke Opus 12” the only tiddlers that change are;

  • Practicing
  • Fantasiestücke Opus 12
  • $:/temp/tobibeer/preview-1-tiddler

So I am not sure where to look

Thanks for taking a look at it @TW_Tones … I did not realize the flags reposition the list items without the weird tag duplication. I guess I can continue to use it this way for now. To my knowledge I did not modify the plugin significantly, if at all.

It does seem to be a drag-and-drop issue.

I think dragging and dropping a tiddler title onto an other title in projectify is supposed to add tags. But I do not know the mechanism. There may be some hints in the Projectify Documentation.

The most up to date version I could find at GitHub is at: GitHub - erwanm/Projectify: Project management for TiddlyWiki

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my mistake. looking at the latest version and having a go with it, it seems like the tag duplication for todos within a single project is the default behavior. I may re-approach how I am using Projectify in that case.

I know the replacement of the project tag enables dragging items between projects but I understood it only touches the project tag. At least when I use it to move todos between projects, every day, eg drag from the inbox onto an appropriate project.