Problems creating new tiddlers through filter

Following on from my earlier missing tags issue, I now would like to automatically create the missing target tiddlers.

I have a filter in the tiddler Create Missing Target Tiddler as follows:

<$list filter="[has:field[test_field]tags[]!is[tiddler]]" >
 <$action-createtiddler $basetitle=<<currentTiddler>> tags="to_be_tagged" $overwrite="yes"/>

As you can see from the screengrab,

the result is that each tag whose target tiddler is missing is listed but its corresponding tiddlers are not created.

Can’t work out what is wrong.

Any clues?


The list widget can’t automatically create tiddlers. You need a user-initiated input: One of these widgets that require you to make a choice and do something first before an Action widget can do anything

Edit: well, I guess you could have an EventCatcher that catches any click on a link, fires off your procedure with a createtiddler action, then continues to open the linked tiddler? Seems rather heavy-handed

@Brian_Radspinner, thanks for that heads up. Have decided to make it function via a button.
