Problem with passing URL parameters into a wiki stored on Sharepoint/WebDAV


I have been experimenting with passing parameters of the form:
and using those parameters to set some defaults using a startup tiddler that parses $:/info/url/search.

It likely works fine normally except that when I try to save the Tiddlywiki back to Sharepoint, I get a 400 error. I suspect that it is a problem with the save command sent back to the server containing the extra parameters not matching the filename opened but I don’t know the intricacies of the protocol. Is that the expected WebDAV behaviour or is that a bug?

To work around it, I tried to reset the URL using the tm-home message before saving but, while it clears the # permalink additions, it does not clear the ? and parameters. Is tm-home supposed to clear everything? Is there a different tm to use? If not, could there be?
