Hello everyone.
I’m using the dropdown “callout” macro of @Mohammad to hide the code and examples of another macro inside a tiddler.
But I can’t get it to do it, the “callout” macro generates the bar with its arrow to display the content but inside I don’t see things the way I want.
The macro that I use within callout is: <<wikitext-example src:" "">>
which is a variation of TW’s wikitext-example-without-html
The callout macro that surrounds it is as follows: <<callout-details type: example src:" " title:"Ejemplos" width:"100%" class:"">>
The complete code would be this:
<<callout-details type: example src:"""
<<wikitext-example src:"
<<alert-leftbar primary "primary alert" width:60%>>
<<alert-leftbar secondary "secondary alert" width:60%>>
<<alert-leftbar success "success alert" width:60%>>
<<alert-leftbar warning "warning alert" width:60%>>
<<alert-leftbar danger "danger alert" width:60%>>
<<alert-leftbar info "info alert" width:60%>>
<<alert-leftbar light "light alert" width:60%>>
<<alert-leftbar dark "dark alert" width:60%>>
">>""" title:"Ejemplos" width:"100%" class:"">>
I have tried surrounding the inner macro with triple double quots but it didn’t work.
Do you know if it is possible to make what I want work?
Thank you.