Problem with GSD5

I have been using the Getting Things Done plugin and now I notice the following:

Can anyone tell me how I can hide the unnecessary info at the top? Thanks

Perhaps you can share the content of the tiddler or code that is doing this?

The symptom looks like you may be passing as a parameter a macro (define) or procedure as an attribute without wikification occurring.

Did you update the TW version?

Hi @anicholslcsw, your $:/plugins/gsd5/core/ui/sidebar/review-sidebar tiddler could be corrupted. I see you added a few extra “realms” and renamed them. The Realm part of GD5 is a bit complex. Avoid its use at all cost. Instead of having several realms in one TW, have separate TW’s for each realm you need.

For the time being, you may want to delete the $:/plugins/gsd5/core/ui/sidebar/review-sidebar tiddler and start again.

