Problem with an unofficial plugin on Node.js (ApexCharts)


the problem that I’m currently facing is that after recently having installed the otherwise majorly cool ApexCharts plugin, restarting the node server process produces the following error:

ReferenceError: window is not defined
    at $:/plugins/tiddlywiki-scss-com-au/apexcharts/apexcharts.common.js:7:381545
    at $:/plugins/tiddlywiki-scss-com-au/apexcharts/apexcharts.common.js:16:4
    at $tw.utils.evalGlobal ($:/boot/boot.js:642:12)
    at $tw.utils.evalSandboxed ($:/boot/boot.js:649:19)
    at $tw.modules.execute ($:/boot/boot.js:931:15)
    at require ($:/boot/boot.js:878:24)
    at $:/plugins/tiddlywiki-scss-com-au/apexcharts/widget.js:14:18
    at $:/plugins/tiddlywiki-scss-com-au/apexcharts/widget.js:343:4
    at $tw.utils.evalGlobal ($:/boot/boot.js:642:12)
    at $tw.utils.evalSandboxed ($:/boot/boot.js:649:19)

Since my wiki runs on my personal home server and is not a public-facing wiki, I’ve installed all plugins (apart from the official plugins that are bundled with the NPM package) the easy way, i.e. via drag-and-drop. This includes some community plugins and more than a dozen of my own custom extensions. All of these work without problems. The above error only occurs on Node.js, not when loading a standalone version of my wiki.

Is there a way to prevent ApexCharts from running its modules during the server startup phase? As far as I understand, the plugin doesn’t need to initialize anything on the server when it only renders its charts on the client side. Having the charts exportable via a server command is not something I need.

Is there a way to fix this?

modify $:/plugins/tiddlywiki-scss-com-au/apexcharts/widget.js

you can put in if(!$tw.node) { as bellow and then at the end of the tiddler put a closing }

title: $:/plugins/tiddlywiki-scss-com-au/apexcharts/widget.js
type: application/javascript
module-type: widget

Wrapper for `apexcharts.common.js` that provides a `<$apexchart>` widget.


/*jslint node: true, browser: true */
/*global $tw: false */
"use strict";
if(!$tw.node) {
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It could also be done like so:

if (!$tw.browser) return;

I don’t know that one method is particularly better or worse than the other.

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That did fix the problem. Both suggested solutions work. Thanks!