Problem upgrading Stroll from 5.2.5 to 5.3.1

Hi everyone

@Sparrow brought my attention that upgrading Stroll to 5.3.1 causes problems. I reproduced the problem when trying to upgrade the empty version of Stroll online. It was at 5.2.5, so kind of behind. To see what happens, download Stroll — A Roam-like experience in a free, downloadable file, then pass it through the process at Then open the resulting upgrade.html. A bunch of things messed up.

Any idea what might be causing this? The warning talked about a core module about to be overwritten. So I went through the process again, and unchecked $:/core/modules/filters/has.js. But I got the same result.

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Thank you for raising this!

I am far from being able to help, but I find Stroll essential to my notes readability. If it’s not updating correctly, it will affect me greatly.

Edit the tiddler $:/_sq/Stories/Stories.css and give it a field list-after with a blank value. See if that fixes the issues.

Thank you, Saq, that looks like it did the trick. But now I have a big orange alert box saying “You are about to import a tiddler that will overwrite a core module tiddler. …” Hoiw might I and other users get rid of that?

Also, I am getting two “Getting Started” tiddlers when I do that…