Problem System-links and Freelink-plugin

I set this filter to [all[tiddlers+shadows]!is[system]], but it doesn’t work, [all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[Journal]] works, it seems to only work on tags

It should be [all[shadows+tiddlers]] except you want that your shadows to be listed after your tiddlers. … That’s just a general comment. It will not solve your problem

IMO freelinking shadows does not make much sense at all. Every tiddler which starts with a $:/xxx will be automatically linked. That’s a default setting.

[all[tiddlers]!is[system]] is every content tiddler, which should not make much difference.

What do you try to achieve?

I just want to exclude all non-system tiddlers starting with $:/

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It’s ControlPanel → Info → Advanced → Parsing → syslink rule … that is responsible. If you disable it, those links should not be rendered anymore.

Important: You need to save and reload, to activate this setting

Every tiddler expanded from a plugin is called a shadow-tiddler. Usually the start with $:/
The filter to select them is: [all[shadows]]

User modified shadow-tiddlers become tiddlers.
The filter to select them is: [all[tiddlers]]

Only if you need them all for eg: overwritten shadow tiddlers like: plugin settings with default values
use: [all[shadows+tiddlers]]

Every tiddler that starts with $:/ is called a system-tiddler
The filter to select them is: [all[tiddlers]is[system]] of the shortcut [is[system]]

Every tiddler that does not start with $:/
can be selected with [all[tiddlers]!is[system]] or the shortcut [!is[system]]

BUT as I wrote. By default every tiddler that starts with $:/ is rendered as a link by the default parser. So freelinks-plugin is not responsible here.

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It’s ControlPanel → Info → Advanced → Parsing → syslink rule … that is responsible. If you disable it, those links should not be rendered anymore.

Important: You need to save and reload, to activate this setting

I do not know, if this setting is 100% side effect free.

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