"preconceived snippet of text" selection list won't scroll after update 5.3.3

I use the “Insert a preconceived snippet of text” editor button almost all the time. Since I added a lot of snippets the pop-up of snippets to choose from is long.

After updating to 5.3.3 it only shows the top 5 entries and it won’t scroll UNLESS I put the cursor in the text field and press enter quite a bit until I get enough blank lines, and only then will the snippets selection expand for as long as the text field is lengthened. After choosing the snippet, then I have to delete all the blank lines in the text field.

If I run into a problem after updating, I have found that I can go find the particular system or shadow tiddler which is responsible in my last backup before updating and replace the updated version with it and the problem is solved.

But for this problem I don’t know which system tiddler I’m looking for.

Grateful for your help.

hmm, I did just test it with tiddlywiki.com and the “stamp” dropdown seems to be fine.

  • How do you insert your snippets of text?
  • Do you use any plugins, that modify the EditTemplate?


  • Do you use any plugins, that modify the EditTemplate?

A long time ago I remember implementing something I saw in the forums so that in edit mode, the editing pane and the preview pane could scroll independently of each other.

Oooh! On a hunch I just tested turning preview mode off and the problem vanished! (The whole snippet selection list drops down just fine.)

However I turn preview mode back on, and the problem returns. (The snippet list drop-down looks like it is disappearing down behind the bottom edge of the editing box so that it looks like it is going down into the editing box like into an envelope and the last visible list item is cut in half as it goes out of sight. When I try to scroll the snippet list, it ends up trying to scroll the panes beneath it.)

  • Do you use any plugins, that modify the EditTemplate?

I’ve looked in my plugins and see nothing there that would allow the editing box and preview box to scroll separately.

I searched for “Tiddlywiki Hacks I’ve Used” and found this link https://scrolly.tiddlyhost.com/ but it doesn’t appear to be something that would make the boxes scroll independently. It also doesn’t look like anything I’ve used in my wiki. Just to make sure I ran an advanced search for various lines of code from that link and no tiddlers came up.

hmmm. There has been a change in the preview element lately. So this could be a reason. So you should find the hack.

You should have a look at the ControlPanel → Info → Advanced → Stylesheet section. Have a look, if there are is one which modifies the EditTemplate elements and / or the preview CSS.