Pre-release version of tiddlywiki npm package?

I’m just getting back to working with TW on NodeJS. I have the 5.1.23 version of the npm package installed.

Is there a pre-release version of the npm package?

What is the expected way to install a pre-release version?

No, we’ve never published the prerelease to npm.

To clone or download the repo.

It’s a long time since this was all set up but part of the thinking was that it was useful that there are slightly higher barriers to running with the prerelease than the last official release. A problem we’ve suffered from in the past is that people tend to download TW once, and then rarely bother to upgrade it regularly. That’s dangerous with the prerelease because it is updated several times a week, and every so often there will be a snapshot that will be broken.

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If you need to setup it up so that npm installs the pre-release as a dependency via package.json, this will do the trick:

npm install jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 --save

Or if you want the pre-release and the stable release at the same time use an alias:

npm install tw-pre@jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 --save